The Ex

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"So did you get home safe last night?" asks my friend Karina. She was my best friend. We both got scholar ships together. I dont know what I would do without her. We are so close.

"Yeah I got home safe, but I didnt study that much so tell me everything you learned last night," I told her. She started to tell me everything until she heard my phone go off. I sighed who would call me while I'm at school. I got my phone and pressed the bottom. It was Louis.

Hey ,love Xx ~Louis

Louis I'm at school ~M

Oh sorry when do you get out then? Xx ~Louis

At 2 so I'll text you later because I'm going to turn my phone off now ~M

Alright ,love talk to you then Xx~Louis. Then I turned my phone off

"Who was that?" Karina asked me.

"Just a friend," I say not looking at Karina. I still not know who he was. He looked so familar. I just couldnt find out who he was. Maybe if I told Karina she knows everything about people. Karina was looking at me with confusion. "Alright his name is Louis. He looks so familar,".

"Louis Tomlinson?!?" she literally screamed in my face. I shrugged I knew who Louis Tomlinson is she never stopped talking about One Direction. I wasnt really a fan. She was obsessed with whats his name. . . Oh yeah Harry Styles. How can I forget their faces! They are all over they place.

"Alright yes him," I say looking up at her.

"How do you not know him! He is the reason I wear toms every day," she says lifting up her legs. I giggled at her. She is so crazy. I love her though.

"Thats why your feet smell," I say teasing her shoving her feet down. Then the teacher walks in. So we stood quiet. She does her thing and then hands out the test. Crap!! I didnt sudy Im going to fail. My school hours go by so fast. I couldnt believe my day was over. I turned my phone on and I have a few messges. One from Karina, another from Louis and some others from my phone bill. UGH thats right I need to work today. I answer Louis' but he ends up calling me.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Want to hang out today because I forgot I have a interveiw," Louis tells me.

"Um maybe what time I work today?" I ask him walking across the street.

"4?" he asks I can tell from his british accent that it was a question.

"alright my shift starts at 6:30 so Ill have to stay only for an hour is that fine?" I tell him.

"Okay where should I pick you up ,love?" He asks me. I give him my adress. We say our goodbyes and we hang up. Karina needs to tell me somethings about Louis I tell myself. I dont want him to pull somthing. I dont know if he is a sweet guy or a jerk who just wants to get in my pants. I met guys like that. That is why I have Karina she protected me from some. And one of them was her brother. He was just using me. He got into this bet where he had a month to try to get me to sleep with him. He won the bet. She got him back though I dont know how though, but I never talked to him ever since I found out about it. So I called up Karina. The line rang a couple of times. Then she answers.

"Hello?" I hear my friends voice.

"Karina I'm meeting Louis in an hour. So can you come over and tell me about him?" I ask her I can hear her squel in excitment. I give a little laugh.

"Ok I'll be over in a bit," she tells me and hangs up. Oh god what am I going to do when he picks me up and she is still her she will probably grab him and never let him go. But hopefully she keeps calm. Then I hear a knock at the door. Wow that was fast. I head towards and I open it. It wasnt Karina. To my surprise it was Danny my Ex boyfriend.

"Hey babe," he says about to walk in, but I block from doing so.

"what are you doing here?" I ask him looking at him up and down. He was well he was hot. But I tried not to smile at my thought because I broke up with him for a reason. And I didnt want to think about that it is a memory I wish I could forget.

"To see you of course," he tells me and smirks. I can smell liquor in his breath and that is not a good sign. I shake my head.

"Leave now Danny," I tell him pointing out of my apartment.

"But come on baby," He tell me bringing out his flasks and drinks from it and puts it back in his leather jacket.

"No Danny leave," I look out the door and see Karina. When she sees me she waves with a smile, but when she looks at Danny her face to turns to happy to disgusted.

"What the hell are you doing here you?" Karina asks him pushing him away from the door. Expect Karina to get physical.

"You're still friends with this bitch," he says looking at Karina up and down.

"You better shut your mouth before I shut it for you," I tell him putting my hand on my hip.

"Hopefully with your lips," He tells me licking his lips. I roll my eyes. Then I see Louis coming from down the hall.

"Hey ,love" he says with a smile on his face.

"Hi Louis," I tell him motioning him in.

"Who the hell is this?" Danny asks looking at Louis with a dirty look.

"None of your buissness Now leave," I tell him .

"Alright, but you and this faggot better watch your backs I will get you back Mia," he says walking off. Louis steps out and looks at Danny and smiles.

"Yeah walk away when the sassmaster comes you pussy! You're lucky Hazza isnt here with me we jump you bitch come talk to my baby like that again. I will bitch slap," Louis says and walks back with a huge confident smile. I giggle at him and hug. I feel him hug me back and I think Karina has fainted or just lost her breath from Louis being near him.

"Thanks Louis. You came just in time," I tell him.

"No problem Babe," he says and looks at Karina and smiles. "Hey I'm wearing toms too". And he chuckles.

"I love you Louis. Im such a huge fan," my friend tells him.

"I love you too," he says.

"One thing you will need to know about me is I'm sassy," he says with a smile now, " shall we go and talk about who I am,". I nod and Karina smiles at me wiggles her eye brows.

"Louis I know you're in One Direction just you will need to tell me more," I tell him.

"Dont worry I will," he says and smiles as we both go in the car. On our way to his flat.


ok well i hope u guys liked it ill be updating probably every 2 days if im not busy again comment your input and karina ur in the story and rate vote anything thanks sassmaster has returned and told off Mia's ex boyfriend haha well thanks

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