"What If?" pt.1 (Kyorhu)

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Kyo was going to lose his mind. He always paid attention in class, and always did well, but today, the lesson was so boring he wanted to scream. "I wonder what Tohru's making for dinner tonight?" he thought absentmindedly as his head lay in his arms and he sneakily gazed at her across the room.

Most people assumed he was a bad-boy that didn't pay attention in class for some reason, which made it much easier to pretend he was sleeping so he could look at Tohru. Her brow was furrowed in concentration as she tapped the end of her pensil against her lips thoughtfully.

Most people would say she was intently listening, but Kyo knew better. He recognized that look from when he helped her study. It meant she was trying to focus, but her brain was wandering to other things. He huffed a quiet smile into his arms as she shook her head to try to snap herself out of it.

"She's probably wondering what to make for dinner tonight too," he thought.

In most instances, he would be correct, but this time, she had far more important matters on her mind. Kureno's voice echoed in her mind over and over like a broken record.

"I'm different now. My curse is broken," he had said.

She couldn't wrap her head around it. Why had his curse broken when no one else's had? It didn't make sense. "It's not fair," an ugly little voice in her head cried. "Why does he get to be free? Why can't Kyo be free? He'll have a much greater punishment if the curse doesn't break, so why didn't it get to be him?"

She did her best to quiet the little voice screaming in her heart, but she had to agree. Kyo didn't know she knew, but she found out at the beach house last summer from Akito that at the end of this year, Kyo was going to be confined in the cat's house for the rest of his life.

"It's not fair."

She shook her head to try to snap herself out of it and looked down at her notes, where she was surprised to find she had drawn a little cat. She was never very good at drawing, so no one else would be able to tell what it was, but she knew.

"Why hasn't Kyo told me yet?" she wondered for the hundredth time. He probably just didn't want her to worry about him, but it was far too late for that. It was too late the moment she saw his true form and she ran after him in the rain without thinking.

She knew she loved him, she could admit that much to herself. The hard part was admitting it to him. "I'm not very bright or pretty, and the only thing I'm good at is cleaning. He probably doesn't think of me that way anyway, but-...." her thoughts trailed off as she snuck a peek over her shoulder at the redhead.

Her breath hitched when she made direct eye-contact with him as his head lay in his arms. They sat still maintaining that contact for a few moments before Kyo's eyes softened, and he quietly smiled at her. She felt herself hop upright in her seat at the feeling in her stomach and she smiled back, wiggling her fingers awkwardly at him.

He looked like he was about to respond when he suddenly looked to the front of the room and sat upright. Tohru turned in confusion and saw her teacher standing at her desk. "Miss Honda, I understand the temptation to let your mind wander, but please. We're almost done with the school year, and I'd appreciate it if you stayed with us until then," she said with a joking smile.

Tohru blushed and stood up, bowing to their teacher and apologizing before sitting down and hiding her face from embarrassment. Finally she got the nerve to look over her shoulder again as the teacher began again, and saw that Kyo was smirking at her.

He knew what he did! And he thought it was funny! She pouted at him and he rolled his eyes with a smile, nodding his head toward the teacher before pretending to take notes. She knew he was pretending because he always wrote "watermelon" over and over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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