It will be okay. We will be okay.

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Sorry to anyone who reads this on FF. Net, it's also the first chapter for this too✨

P.S: this might sound a little different then my current writings it's a little older:) (much older)

Don't worry, new ones are coming🙂

Hello my dear!" Miss. Avocet wrapped her arms tightly around Miss Peregrine's tiny frame. The hug was warm and welcoming as always, but felt tighter than usual. Miss Avocet's dark brown eyes nervously scanned around the parlor, meeting with several of her former charges disgusted glares aimed at Alma.


terrible for Alma, as she knew some comments were going to come about her brother's attack. She still had yet to even break the News to Alma about it, fearing for the worst for her little girl. She had to have her in attendance though, as that was council rule, and she feared greatly that if she were to tell Alma beforehand, that she would not have shown up. Without a good reason for missing an urgent important meeting like this was not a particularly fun punishment.

"Why is everyone all here? I thought this was just a simple impromptu loop placement meeting?" Alma whsipered into Esmeralda's ear after noticing the dark stares from several of her sisters. it made her horribly uncomfortable, the sunken eyes that followed her every movement like a predator watching her prey. She also made a mental Note of how several of her sisters wore Black which was highly unusual.

"How about I have Claire take you to your room?" Miss Avocet skillfully avoided the question, grabbing Miss Nightjar's arm up from her spot on the loveseat next to Miss Thrush, who's head was buried in her hands.

"My darling, will you please take Alma up to her room?" Miss Avocet stared Into Miss Nightjar's eyes, pleading to her to not shun her sister or make any comments. Is Miss Avocet trusted anyone to be able to keep their mouth shut and not make comments, it was definetly miss Nightjar.

"Of course! Good evening Alma!" Miss Nightjar Curtsied, then hugged Alma quickly then grabbed her by her arm and gently pulled her out of the room.

"Claire what's going on? Why are you still awake? Why is everyone acting so weird? is Millie Okay? she looks quite ill." Alma expressed concern over both her sisters wellbeing.

"She is not feeling well. I stayed up to Make sure she was okay." Miss Nightjar told a White lie very easily.  It was True, Miss Thrush did have a bad cold, but the real reason she was sitting like that was something she couldn't bring herself to even speak about without crying, and She refused to do that in front of Alma.

"Oh, what does she have, is she okay-" Alma started, but froze as she was cut off by Miss Nightjar.

"Oh look were here!" Miss Nightjar softly called out as she ushered Alma into the shared room. It was an unspoken rule that the younger Ymbrynes shared rooms, leaving the Elders to have some privacy.

"I have to go check on Millie. if you need anything, dont hesitate to come get me!" Miss Nightjar hugged Miss peregrine again, then excused herself quickly as Millie came down the hallway sniffling. she all but threw the door shut, alerting Miss Cuckoo that someone else was in the room.

"Alma!!!" Miss cuckoo all but crushed the Peregrine in a hug. Miss cuckoo couldn't help but frown at the smile on Miss peregrine's lips, and her overall cheery demeanor. "Does she know?" She thought as she pulled away, but kept a smile plastered onto her face.

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