Baby Birds.

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It took nearly all my will power not to call this chapter squeaky Beeper. This chapter is just a small scribble of. An idea that randomly popped into my head. Enjoy:)

Alma! Alma!" Isabelle screamed throughout the house, having let herself in. Enoch peaked his head out of the parlour, a small clay blob in his left hand. 

"I believe she is out in the parlour." He said softly, not in the mood to even give the older Ymbryne Attitude. He had already been reprimanded once for it today against hugh. Isabelle didn't even stay long enough to hear any remarks he would have had as she ran off, a shoe box nestled gently but firmly in her arms. 

"ALMA!" Isabelle finally spotted the Ravenette  reading silently under the gazebo, Claire asleep on her lap as the clouds swirled about above. 

The Peregrine's  bright green eyes shot up in an instant, Claire's eyes opening and following her mistresses gaze as she peaked up, her eyes nearly dropping back asleep as she noticed Isabelle was the one yelling.

"What's wrong?!" Alma stood up, her heart nearly bursting as she watched Isabelle make it to where she was seated. 

"It's nothing bad, take a breath!" The silver haired woman chuckled, collapsing on the seat next to her friend out of breath from running. After a few quick breaths and Alma sending a sleepy Claire away with Emma, Isabelle finally uncovered the box which had a thin scarf draped over it. 

"Viola!" Isabelle put a screeching baby Peregrine Alma's lap. "I found this outside my window in the council building, and I named him Alfie, ya know, cause your name is Alma, and his is Alfie, it's short for your name, because he's a baby-" 

"ISABELLE!"  Alma exclaimed "DID YOU STEAL HIM FROM  HIS MOTHER?!". She suddenly cradled the tiny, downy feathered baby that continued screaming for its mother, its mouth wide open for food. 

"No! No! The mother never came back for it after the one she had first left the nest! He was just Born too late for her" Isabelle gently stroked the fluffy screaming ball's head with her finger "isn't that right Alfie?" She gently patted his head. 

"Oh dear bird…" Alma ran a hand through her silky hair "you can't just take a random peregrine and give it to me!" 

"Maybe Its a bit illegal,nbut hey" Isabelle swiped the baby bird "you can't deny he's a little fluffy ball of cuteness." She held Alfie up to her nose, the bird squeaking. " Oh, he also answers to Squeakybeeper, it's his  nickname " She tacked on. "I have to unfortunately be on the run, Catherine needs me to grab her some Cheerios and some pens. I would love to come back to bother you later though!" She smiled as She quickly pecked Alma's forehead then turned to leave. 

"What am I supposed to do with him?" Alma asked, "You need to take him home!" She tired to hand Isabelle the box back.

"Don't you want squeaky beeper?" 

"No! I already have a group of kids that half don't listen to me and run off!" Alma readjusted her glasses with a deep breath. 

"Well I have a lot of running around to do, can you at least watch him until then? I'll pick him up on my way home?" Isabelle asked as she wind started to pick up. 

"Absolutely not! I can't care for him!" Alma stressed. She knew the real reason she didn't want him was because that small bird reminded her greatly of her brother, and all the horrible stuff he had done to her. Alma stayed staring at the tiny Peregrine  for a few moments to long, lost in her memories as Isabelle slipped away. 

"Be back in a few!" She called, rushing off and Alma suddenly snapped back into reality. 

"IZZY! GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" She yelled, but to no avail. The cuckoo had carefully planned her escape, and now all that remained was Alma, and the tiny baby Peregrine trying to hop out of the shoebox screaming.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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