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My name is Y/N, I'm 16 years old, and well... I have always been treated differently, but I have no idea why. I would think maybe it's because both of my parents disappeared. Leaving me and my twin brother, Tyler, to live with my mom's brother. Of course not, Tyler has no problems ever! He has perfectly strait, short, black hair, with emerald, green eyes. Very similar to my uncle Victor. While I have medium length, curly, light brown hair, with a random black streak in it, and bright blue eyes! Tyler doesn't other parents dragging their kids away from him! He doesn't have teachers watching him constantly! He doesn't have officers watching his every move! He's the most popular kid in school! While I only have 2 friends, Rena and Asher yet, they both get treated differently too. Asher has short, dirty blond hair and grey eyes. He keeps a bear mask with him, no one really knows where it came from, Asher says his mom used it when she was in high school. His mom is barely ever home, she is a detective, and she has some weird obsession with me! Rena has long, black hair, dull green eyes, and is Indian. Her dad has a bad drinking problem, and he's some how friends with Asher's mom. But out of us 3 I get treated the worst. I just don't get it, what makes me so different? Is it my looks? I mean I don't look like any of my family, and whenever family, other then Victor, comes over they seem so uncomfortable, even scared around me. I have seen so many pictures of my mom, she looks nothing like me, but I've never seen any pictures of my dad. I've never heard either of their names, maybe so I don't search them up or something... Maybe I get treated differently because I look like my dad? But that would mean he probably did something bad, either way it not my fault he did whatever he did! I just want someone to relate too...

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