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Vanessa could hear a baby crying.  Her babys cry  . She diden't know if the baby was healthier since with her miscariage but she hoped so.
"It's a healti baby girl " Said Callis to her. Vanessa started crying too , she was having a healti baby! "Give her to me  !" Callis gived her the baby girl. Vanessa was left with no words seeing that her daughter was looking exactily like her father. "What's gonna be her name  ?"Asked Callis. "Her name is gonna be Sophie  " Anserwed Vanessa.
Then she felt pain again and heard another baby cry.  "Congrast,  it's another healti baby girl  " Smiled Callis. Wait  ! Twins  ? And both girls  ? Vanessa was happyer than never. But when she saw the junger one she was shock. The little baby girl was looking exactly like her, as ugly like her.
"Take this ugly baby away from me  " Said Vanessa to Callis. Callis took tha baby and put it in another room.
Now Vanessa was ready to leave with her little Sophie,thinking their life is gonna be perfect. Even that Sophie wasn't a boy like she promised.

Go and love yourself  ( a story from Gavaldon  ) Where stories live. Discover now