Part 1

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Dreamland was calm and shit when all of a sudden, a large Jade statue dropped down. its face looked like obamas, and its eyes glowed piss yellow. 

"You must Find the pizza of destiny, it lies in the final room of costco, in a box with DaBabys face Atop it. You must find the heroes, Any amount you want." 

"FUCK YEAH BREAD PIZZA!" Marx screamed, and cheered. You looked Toward the statue, and said "Well whos going on the adventure?" "SHUT UP YOU DUMB FUCKS!" the statue demanded. 

"as i was saying, there are heroes in other universes you must find. John Cena, DaBaby, Jerry Seinfeld, And do not forgor, Elvis presley!" 

Cheering erupted from the citizens, why, you do not know. 

you pouted. who was going from dreamland on the quest? "IM GOING! I GOTTA GET ME THAT BREAD PIZZA!" Marx screeched. Well, if Marx was coming, you were coming too! "Count me in!" Magolor said. you glared at him. "ME TOO!" you yelled. "and who are you?" Meta Knight said from behind you. You flipped around, shocked. "Im Y/N. and im also going!" You spat. "Ok, Ok, woman." Meta Knight obviously wouldnt say that, he was polite. you turned your head 90 degrees to meet the glance of none other than the king of dreamland.

"King Dedede, i must come along with these underqualified children on their strange quest." "Well i don- HEY, DID YOU JUST CALL MARX AN UNDERQUALIFIED CHILD?!" you Ask-Screamed in Rage. "Marx..?" You nod, glaring at him. its kinda hard though, given his size. "i thought you would take personal offense.. anyway, yes. and you too. i am the top knight in dreamland, as you probably know already." "never heard of you.." you say, faking confusion. of course you had, he was super popular, but you knew it would make him mad if you said that you had no clue who he was. 

"i- how?" Meta knight asked. "i made sure just about everyone knew who he was. So you know, Y/N." King Dedede insisted. "i.. OH, your meta knight!" you slyly said. the king was very good at dishing out punishments so you decided to agree with his majesty. 

"Yes, and i will accompany you on this quest. King Dedede.. please take care of kirby. i know you are capable of doing so, just make sure to feed him. alot." King dedede nodded, and mumbled something. the knight Blushed, then mumbled back. who knew king Dedede could be quiet? 

Marx and Magolor Floated/Waddled over to your little huddle. You smiled at Marx. Magolor looked at you as if saying 'wheres my smile?' you just gave him the finger. 

"Hey stop flexing your hands in impolite ways." Marx said, pouting. You nodded, but only for him. "ok, sure. so whos ready to get some bread pizza!" you announced. "ME!" Marx shouted. Magolor lowered his ears from the noise, then replied "Me." Meta knight sighed. "i shall accompany them" "ME ME ME ME!" you said excitedly. And then you set off, glaring at Magolor for *AHEM* no particular reason..

THE QUEST FOR COSTCO BREAD PIZZA (Marx x reader with no chance)Where stories live. Discover now