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The teen dresses as quick as she can, gladly welcoming the familiar warmth of her sweater

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The teen dresses as quick as she can, gladly welcoming the familiar warmth of her sweater.

As she exits the bathroom the floor in the hallway creaks beneath her. A sound that causes her to cringe. Through her mother's door she can hear her the muffled sounds of her on the phone. arguing with the girls father.

"No Charlie. You coddling her won't do any good. I understand that- Charlie I told you no. I'm not doing this right now. I can't handle it. Oh, whatever. Grow up!"

Spencer turns immediately, she doesn't feel like listening anymore.

She continues down the unnecessarily long hallway, looking at the pictures of her and her sister along the way. There's one from their first day of ballet class, Spencer was sure she'd be a professional ballerina some day. That never happened. Another from Phil and Renée's wedding day. One from her and Bellas first day of kindergarten and many more.

Before she knew it she arrived at Bellas door, knocking softly. "What?" Bella whispers. "Come on, let's go somewhere."

"You better not be using me to burn off a pack of smarties or something stupid like that." Isabella huffs, out of breath from climbing after her sister.

Spencer laughs airily. "Just come on, the views the best at the top."

At the top of the hill just a ways outside their home the two girls finally stop. Laying back Spencer stairs up at her baby sister and then the stars. "Renée and Phil are gonna kick me out y'know? Well, that or drag me to some new, useless treatment.

"Okay so eat." Spencer, only a bit irked lightly punches her sister's arm. "I eat."

"You know that I love you, you're my sister, but you look like crap Spence. And every single time I ask you why you're doing this to yourself I get some stupid, sad excuse for an answer from you."

"Hey, at least I'm a cheap date," the skeleton girl chuckles. All her sister does in response is sigh.

"Look at me Belly," she puts a hand on her shoulder. "I've got it under control. Nothing bad's gonna happen."

"Spencer how many people do you suppose are in Phoenix? Like at least a million right? I bet a bunch of them who are about to die just said the exact same thing." Bella's throat feels tight as she swallows hard. It's not easy seeing her sister self destruct the way she is.

"Why don't you head back Bells, I'll only be a few more minutes okay?"

Back in her room she continues her sit ups, she's already lost count of how many she's down today. There's once again a knock on the door. "Can I come in?" It's Renée.

Spencer jumps up, grunting at the pain that shoots through her back. First clearing her throat she answers, "yeah."

Entering, she sits on the bed with plain white sheets, sheets that smell of lavender and something else Spencer couldn't quite put her finger on. Must be whatever detergent her moms using now.

"You know I love you, right Spencer? You have to know that." "Sure. Yeah, I guess." "Then you'll understand why I'm sending you to live with your father." The older woman reveals. Spencer struggles to keep her composure. "You also have to know that I don't trust him. Not in the slightest. Not to watch your habits or your weight. That's why Bella is going too, to keep an eye on you because I can't do this anymore Spencer."

She has to bite her tongue to keep from starting an argument. She can't handle this? Funny. "Okay."

"It's good to see you still haven't unpacked. Your flight leaves tomorrow." "I didn't plan on staying long anyways."

The following day she wakes up at six in the morning to the sound of birds chirping and the music she hadn't turned off playing softly in her room.

She begrudgingly gets up and dressed, not remotely ready to start her day. No matter how much she sleeps she always feels tired.

Lacing up her tennis shoes, pulling a hoodie over her thin frame and grabbing her earbuds she makes her way out the back door.

Morning jogs aren't her favorite, she much prefers nightly ones, but she doesn't have a car so she doesn't have much of a choice.

It takes her less than ten minutes to make her way to the gas station down the road where she picks up an extra large fountain drink, diet of course. She swears up and down that they taste better.

Back at the house she passes Renée in the kitchen. "That's not breakfast." Her mother points out, making her way to the coffee machine. "Neither is coffee." Spencer takes a sip anyways.

Before she knew it an hour had passed, her phone was fully charged and her bags were loaded in the car. "Girls! You know I love you all but we've got a plane to catch." Phil yells from outside.

On her way out the older twin passes Renée and her sister talking. "Baby  you don't have to do this." The mom tells her youngest. "I know mom. It's fine really, I want to go. I've missed dad, plus Spence just got back so I'm not ready for her to leave yet." "Okay Bella, if you're sure. I love you baby." Renée hugs her daughter tightly.

Meeting her eldest outside she barely hugs her, treating her like glass. "Goodbye Spencer. I love you." "Bye. Love you too."

They still had the drive to the airport but the Swan twins were never very comfortable with goodbyes.

Arriving at the airport in Seattle Spencer shakes her twin awake. "We're here Belly." She wishes she could've slept most of the ride.

After getting their bags they find their dad rather quickly. Charlie has to fight the urge to look away from his oldest girl. The state she's in scares him. It's not something he understands, she's like a skeleton, a ghost.

"Hey dad." Spencer is the first to speak up. "Hey Spence." Then he hugs her. She's nearly brought to tears when she feels his arms around her, it's not light or careful and overly gentle but a real, heart wrenching hug. "I've missed you so much bear." He tells her. "I've missed you too dad." She swallows hard.

"Your hairs grown since the last time I've seen you." Charlie commented to his youngest. "I've cut it since the last time I've seen you." Spencer outwardly cringes in the back seat. Is this what things are like with her and Renée?

At her childhood home Spencer finds that her bedroom has remained mostly untouched since she last stayed with her dad, nearly six years ago. It's nice to see that it hasn't been turned into a craft room.

"Hey Spence, I've set up an appointment for you tomorrow. I know that's not what you want to do, especially when you've just gotten back but I'm worried about you bear. You'll start school a day later than Bella." He ruffles her brown hair. "I understand dad."

That night she goes to bed before her sister finishes dinner. Not in the mood for their calorie game or pretending she's not hungry. She can't help it. She needs to be in control.

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