// Chapter Seventeen \\

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Harry burst through the door, causing it to slam against the concrete wall and I flinched as I stared into his dark eyes. He looked more frightening than he had in the ring.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" He roared as Louis and Niall stood behind him. All three of them looked furiously at me.

I hadn't seen Harry this mad since my first night at East Brooke when he'd told me to leave. I wanted to answer him but my mouth was dry. Was it really such a big deal that I was here? Everyone else was.

He stepped forward and clenched his gloveless hands, making his fists white "Chloe, I won't ask again" he said through bared teeth.

I took in a shaky breath and got down from the table "I wanted to come and watch you fight. I wanted to know why you were hiding this from me". I'd meant to sound confident but I sounded scared. Truthfully, I was quaking in my boots.

"You shouldn't be here!" He shouted "Are you fucking stupid?!".

I was hurt by his words and as I looked at him, I realised that this wasn't the Harry that I knew. This Harry was a completely different person. I wasn't looking into the eyes of the guy I love. I was looking into the eyes of the person that he's become in the last couple of years.

"Harry, mate" Louis said behind him "Maybe you should have this conversation later, you only have twenty minutes until the next fight".

Harry clenched his jaw, turned around and slammed the door closed in his friends faces. He stood with his back to me, it was rising and falling quickly as he breathed heavily and for the first time in my life, I was scared to be in a room alone with him.

The silence around us was torture and I took an unsteady step forward "Why are you so upset with me? It doesn't bother me that you fight for money. I care more about the fact that you lied to me about it".

He turned around quickly and closed the distance between us so that he was stood with his face an inch away from mine. He didn't touch me and he had a scowl on his face "And why do you think I didn't fucking tell you?! This isn't the kind of thing you need to be involved in, you're just a naive little girl with her head in the clouds! A place like this will rip you apart!".

I recoiled at his choice of words and I put as much distance between us as possible "Why are you being like this?".

"Because" he spat "I don't fucking want you here. You shouldn't have come here".

"Fine, I'll leave" I said sadly. I felt hurt that Harry didn't want to involve me in something that's obviously a big part of his life.

"I meant that you shouldn't have come to EBU" he said harshly "You don't belong here. With all of my friends. You don't fit in!".

I felt tears spring to my eyes and a strange pain seared through my chest. Harry didn't want me here. He didn't want me. I've been such an idiot, to let him in all over again just so he could rip my heart out all over again. "You're right" I said in frustration as a few tears escaped my eyes "I don't belong here. Not with you. But I do belong at EBU and I won't leave just because you don't want me!" My voice was getting louder but I couldn't stop it "Letting you back into my life was a mistake. But don't worry, you and your friends don't have to see me again".

I barged past him and reached the door just as he pulled on my elbow. I didn't turn to look at him, I just kept my teary eyes on the door, waiting for him to speak.

"Where are you going?" He asked lowly.

I yanked my arm out of his grip and closed my eyes as I felt the pain of my heart breaking just that little bit more "Away from you". I opened the door to find all of his friends in the small hallway with worried expressions. I ignored all of them and headed for the large crowd.

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