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Hi I'm Cinnamon, and I'm a hippogriff! I was a orphan and got adopted and a adoption center just like this one! That inspired me to start my own when I was old enough and here we are now! Let's get on with the rules

Don't hog!
Use these treat the lime you would if the were alive!
No cursing here you don't know what young eyes are watching!
Be kind and don't guilt trip me or other people

NTA: name to adopt
NAGTA: name and gender to adopt
OTA: offer to adopt
BTA: bio to adopt
FTA: form to adopt
FCFS: first come first severed
🌱: open
🌿: some left

Also here are some pictures of me!
When I was a baby

Also here are some pictures of me!When I was a baby

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What I currently look like

What I currently look like

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

*Credit to Mythaura*

Also I'm currently working on the request page so since I don't have that
request are currently closed


Mythaura adoptablesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora