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"All alone inside this cell~
Not a living soul out there~
Let me out of this cold cage~
Before I break those silly chains~

"Shut up!"

A loud scream was heard from the end of an empty corridor and then a sound of a gun hitting metal bars. The man in dark blue uniform looked angry at the cellmate who really was getting on his nerves. It kept going for two hours now and the same lines of the song were driving him crazy. For a second there was silent before the criminal started humming once again.

"Alright! That's it!"

The man yelled hanging the gun on his shoulder and reaching to his pocket for the keys. After unlocking the metal door he went inside and walked straight to the cellmate. He grabbed them by the jail shirt and lifted them up.

"I said shut up you piece of shi-"

He couldn't finish his sentence due to a scream that escaped his mouth. Not long after that he was on the floor, blood flowing out of his neck as fast as his life flowing out of his body. Then a click and now covered in blood straitjacket was on the floor. Not too big, white, skinny hand whipped away the blood of off a middle sized pale pinkish lips. Another hand reached for a gun loading it while walking out of the cell.

"I got out of this cold cage~"

A few guards landed on the ground lifeless after being shot in the head.

"Anger burnin' in my chest~"

Screams and cries of pain could be heard in the whole building.

"I can hear your dying breaths~"

Stopping they stood barefooted in a blood stain on the floor.

"And see your blood everywhere~"

The singing stopped and a loud sigh escaped the lips of a murder.

"Timmy...would you be a good boy and give me my stuff?"

A trembling chubby old man on the other side of the desk nodded his head going back to a room full of the things they were keeping after taking it from criminals. With his shaking hand he pulled out his phone and called the police.

"H-hello? Here's Timothy Baker, worker of Arkham Asylum...please send backup. A very dangerous criminal escaped, killed most of the workers here and-"

A phone fell down on the floor and his owner followed with a big hole inside his head.

"Oh Timmy Timmy...I'm so disappointed in you. I thought we could work this out but I guess you couldn't just stop yourself from ruining all the fun we had. For that you deserved a bullet in your small worthless brain. What a seemed like a good worker. At least you won't fuck your little daughter after coming back from work today nor ever."

Spitting at his senseless body criminal walked past him stepping on the phone, crushing it. They reached for a box with the name "Ace" on it and opened the plastic cover to take out a black tux suit with a tie, belt, pair of gloves, boots and a bloody red long-sleeved shirt. After putting those on they took out two golden handguns putting them behind the belt, and five small but deadly daggers. Of course they couldn't forget about their make up. After all they wouldn't look as great and spectacular as they normally do.

Humming the song again criminal got out of the room and started walking to the front door. After opening them they breathe in a dusty air normal for this city. Strong wind blew their hair in every direction and rain drops started to make them stick to the white face while it was removing blood from it.

"Ah what a lovely day. Mhahaha!"

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