Part 9 - Anniversary

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The Devout One and Jennifer arrived at the community dinner to set up tables while the others stayed home. She and the younglings had baked cupcakes, Funfetti with vanilla icing from a can. The Devout One added some heart candies left over from a cookie decorating night at youth group while The Cynical One used skulls and bats left over from Halloween. She wondered which on Homeless James Franco would choose.

They helped set up the tables and folding chairs, then busied themselves with silverware and plates, disposable napkins. The napkins were the only disposable item. The church made a point to serve the community dinner on real ceramic plates, real stainless-steel flatware. The cups were plastic, but not Solo cups. Nice, sturdy, washable clear plastic cups. For coffee or tea, however, they used real ceramic cups and saucers.

Jennifer didn't know how to brew the coffee in the big machine, but she could bring the canisters to the beverage station. Every so often, she would glance out the doors to the parking lot to see if she could see Homeless James Franco pull up.

She'd changed out of her gray sweaterdress and tights since church, didn't want anyone suspicious of why she remained in "church clothes" although the texture and thickness of the material was ideal for feeling Homeless James Franco on her body.

Denim was too thick. Same with corduroy. Oh, how she wished it was summer so only a sheer layer of gossamer separated them. Come Wednesday, maybe nothing would be between them. But tonight, she remained casual in a pair of black twill pants with rivets down the sides and a gray sweater with black wings on the back. When she bought it, she thought it was a Daryl from The Walking Dead sweater, but The Cynical One pointed out it was from another television show that she had never watched before. She didn't care. Angel wings on the back of a sweater were hard to pass up. Especially since it was on clearance for fifteen dollars. Tonight she didn't care about being a poser or a fake fan. Tonight she wanted to have as little barrier come between her and Homeless James Franco.

Her black 12-eyelet Doc Martens were a bitch to take off, but they always kept their shoes on. Besides, they looked great with her pants.

Annette was at the dessert table, setting out brownies and Rice Krispies treats, a basket of clementines. Jennifer's cupcakes were among them and she smiled to herself in anticipation.

Tonight's dinner was meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans with buttered dinner rolls. Though she didn't eat meat, the smell was homey and inviting, and was reminiscent of many family dinners in her childhood home.

Since the youth group was not volunteering tonight, Jennifer gave directives only to The Devout One, many of which were "see if they need help" to any number of groups.

At five to six, Jennifer went to the restroom – not the fancy one – and peed and examined her makeup in the mirror. She had experimented with a hint of silver eyeshadow to brighten her eyes and a purple eyeliner to bring out the green. It helped a little, but she still looked like the same person who lost her mind in this same place a month ago. Thinking back to that first night, she still could not fathom how they got to this point.

"Our anniversary," she whispered to her reflection, and her reflection smiled back at her.

After a glance at her watch, it was time. Six o'clock on the dot. The doors were opened when she walked back into Fellowship Hall and found The Devout One at the dessert table with Annette. She made her way over, scanning the guests for him. She didn't see him anywhere.

"You helping Annette?" she asked the youngling. Normally Jennifer had them address adults as Mr. or Mrs, but she had no idea Annette's last name, and wasn't about to ask after two years.

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