Summer Sun - Story 1

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Gunju was known for being sweet despite his muscular body which quite did a number on many guys and girls. Hell he even caught a lesbian blushing a bit at him at a Pride Parade. People who were close to him though he was quite innocent though to be honest. I mean they literally caught him nursing feeding some adorable kittens once. Of course they saw him as pure. But really they didn't know he had a little bit of dirty side to that sweetness and muscle.
Only one person he can think of who knew would be his boyfriend, Will. Who was a fisher on his little house boat. He was fierce and quite frankly hot. Sure people thought Gunju was out of his head for liking someone who isn't seen as attractive to society. Mainly, because of Will's one leg and wheelchair. But to Gunju, well thinking about him and his broad chest and almost any feature could give him a nosebleed.

Gunju recently began to spend a week with Will on his little house boat. Right now they were debating if Pepsi and Cola were better on Will's break. "Now listen here, Cola is better! There ain't no inbetween, Gunju!" Will shouted leaning on his wheelchair, face turned to Gunju who was sitting on the cooler with a Pepsi in hand. He shrugged and took a sip of his cool drink. "A drink is a drink." Gunju replied calmly. Will huffed. He turned his eyes back to the blue waves infront of him. "Your lucky, your so damn cute. Sometimes it is so hard to argue with you." he grunted folding his arms together.

A smile rose up on Gunju's lips and a light blush spread across his cheeks. He sat his Pepsi on the cooler and began to fiddle with his military dog tag. "Hey, can we at least aggree it is hot out here." Gunju said grinning. "Yea, your right." Will groaned now tipping his sailor hat. Will smirked. He pulled his white tank top off agonizing slow. Gunju was about to faint at the scene. He oblivously leaned slightly closer, his face turning more red by the second.
His boyfriends hazel hair bounced and sweat from the summer sun drizzled against his broad chest. Gunju looked up at every detail on the other mans body. The slight hair on his chest. The scars from the creatures of the sea moving with his body. Even his tanned skin. God he was perfect.

The other male covered his red face and groaned into hands. How was he so lucky? Will then looked over to Gunju again. His lips formed another smirk. He put his hands on his wheelchair and moved it closer to Gunju. "Your all red, babe~." his voice oozed with sweetness at the end. "Is it the summer sun? Or because of your little show?" Will chuckled. He leaned so close to his face that Gunju gulped and rested his hands back down to keep his fake cofidence up. "Sh-hut it Will." he whispered. "Oh, is this your little dark side popping up? I am quite scared, darling~" he grasped his chin so lightly. Gunju's eyes widened as he stared into those hazel eyes. "Will...." he muttered. Now there noses were touching at this point. "Don't worry, I bet the summer sun will be out all you better get used to this baby." he muttered. Gunju smiled leaning his lips closer. "I also do enjoy your dirty side anyways Gunju." he whispered before closing his eyes.
They kissed. In the sumer sun. Gunju would deiftantly enjoy today.

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