Boba Date - Story 2 - Part 2

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  Here is the playlist again for people:

They instantly leaned back after realizing they were in public space. God they were akward mess weren't they? Will was all tough but it seems his extorier just went away. Gunju? Jittery defitantly.
"Oh!" Gunju gasped.

  "Have you heard of this song Will? Its real nice." he hummed. Will nodded. He did recall him playing it when they were hanging out at Gunju's house. They contuined their drink in peace while the nice music played from the juke. Will looked off outside. His brow furrowed. It was getting bad out. Seem's like a downpour is about to strike. Will sighed nervously. He jumped suddenly. He turned to see Gunju holding his hand causing Will's hands to go warm. "Hey, should we head out, Gunju. The storm is starting and it might get bad later." Will tapped his finger.
"Sure I was about done anyways." he replied getting up. He knew how much Will didn't like rain. He wasn't sure why but whenever it did rain he got antsy. He wanted a happy boyfriend not an anxious one.

  They both got up and threw away their trash. They then holded hands. Gunju gave him a resurring smile. Gunju walked out with Will behind him in hand. "Careful, you know how hard it is for me to walk with this prostetic." he grunted. "Sorry." he mumbled stopping outside to look at him."Its alright, your just excited from that nice date." Will replied.
Gunju blushed and nodded turning to the street. Where was Will's car? It is getting worser out here and he dosen't see the busted car anywhere. "Where did you park?" he asked.

  "Right her-" he stopped. Will pushed in front of him. "SOME BASTARD TOWED MY DAMN CAR!" he cried in frustration. Gunjus eyes met the big sign that said 'No Parking.' Will looked up there too. He was so oblivous he didn't notice it. Rain began to pour fully now and lights began to be turned on. "Wheres your vechile Gunju?" he asked turning to his boyfriend to reassurance. "I came here by bus. I actually think the bus driver stops working around this time." he explained. Will groaned and rubbed his temples. He was stressed and this rain wasn't making it anybetter. "I can call Dave. Maybe he can drive us back to our houses." Gunju suggested.
"No way in hell. Sorry Gunju but that guy is a mad man in my opinion." he stated firmly. "How does he commit arson in a wheelchair..." he muttered. Will looked up from the ground where he was thinking. "Nevermind."

  "Yea, he gets a bit quirky at night too. And not to be rude but his car smells like corn." Gunju shrugged. "Oh, but I think a bus goes around a corner store one last time. Its not that far off!" Gunju explained. Will nodded. "Lets get to it, Gunju." Will ended. He put his arm around Gunju. (Gunju is taller but Will has main character powers.) Gunju blushed red. It was probably to keep him warm. So they went off on their way in the rain.


  Wills leg was sore easily from the short trip. He wasn't used to walking on it. And it showed. When they got their, their was no bus either. "We should wait, Will."

  He nodded. He wanted to hide from the rain in the corner store. But it was closed? Oh, right every employee caught up on the flu. He remebers how traumtized those workers seemed to be in the paper. Said something like a short gremlin waddled in and got them all sick then stole a bunch of popsicles. Weird story. Will turned his attention to the taller man. He was on his phone, earpods in. Suddenly he perked up. Gunju flashed a grin. "How about to pass the time we dance? I mean there is no one around since the store is closed." Gunju exclaimed pulling out one of his earpods. "Sure, anything to take my mind off the rain." Will accepted. Gunju leaned a bit and rested the airpod in his hands. Will put the airpod in and heard a familar tune.
"Well we didn't finish it in Boba Shop." Gunju sheepishly admitited.

  Will turned to him and pullled him close. He grabbed his waist on command and began to swirve. Gunju giggled as they swayed in the rain. The street lights as their guidance. Will hummed and closed his eyes. Blush spread across his cheeks but he didn't mind. He loved when he was soft around Gunju. It felt right because he felt safe and trusted Gunju with the emotions he shows around him. He opened his eyes though when he felt Gunju grab his arms. His boyfriend pulled back Wills arms and holded his hands. "What are you-whoa!" he was cut off.

Will twirled as he spinned with him. Gunju giggled again with a big grin plastered on his face. Will grinned and giggled too. Despite his deep voice it was music to Gunju's ears aswell. Suddenly the rain decided to mess up this moment. Will gasped as he suddenly slipped on the wet sidewalk below him.
Damn Prostetic he thought.

  He waited for the clash of the sidewalk hitting skin and the embarsement but nothing. Instead he felt warm beating hands wrapped around him and a sweet breath close to his face. He opened his eyes to be met by his boyfriends lovely eyes. They stayed there for a few seconds. Will admired the rain drizzling down Gunju's face. His red cheeks still visible and his lopsided smile were something he admirded too. He admired everything about Gunju.
Gunju felt the same way about Will. How shocked he looked and his red face. Like a strawbery of some sort. The rain just made it even more magical for Gunju. "Uh, sorry. Its just my prostetic-mhp!" he was stopped half way by Gunju who was now lightly kissing him. He leaned into it the song slowly coming to an end.
A noise startled Will as they pulled away. The bus was here. Gunju straightened himself and helped Will up.


  Will shuddered as they sat at the back. He hopes he dosen't get a cold. Gunju was leaning on his arm and fiddling with his sweater for the time being and he seemed fine. "Will you don't mind if I stay with you for the night?" Gunju asked. Will felt like he could melt. He can barely sleep or do anything when it rains. Because it brings back bad memories. But with Gunju he forgets those bad memories. Will leaned closer if that was possible. "Defitantly. I got a fresh towel with your name on it." Will whispered holding his hand.
What would he do without him?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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