Chapter Thirty-two

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"So let me get this straight. You are the Prince of the Neikus, who are related to angels, and you are a mixed breed--"

"Half Neiku, half Reka," Aletta corrected.

"Right," said Perry, Iceara's dad. "And your father is evil and bent on killing you. Your friend Carlos is under his control and your other friend... Rob, was it?"

"Rich," Ethan corrected.

"Yes. Rich has decided to go with you, and now you're wanting to take our daughter, too?"

"No. I gave her a choice and will respect her decision. If she doesn't want to come, then we can't force her."

Iceara's mom, Cecilia, took a deep breath. "How do we know that you're telling us the truth?"

"Yeah," Perry said. "This could be the biggest load of bullcrap ever. I mean, do you have any proof?"

"Yes, I do. I could transform for you, if you like."

Perry sat back and folded his arms over his chest. "Sure. We'll hold on while you sprinkle your pixie dust around."

"Fine. Hey, Ethe, hold this, please. I don't feel like losing another shirt."

Aletta tossed the navy-blue shirt to the older boy, leaving her in a black tank that was cut low in the back. Slowly, her eyes changed from green-brown to blue. Her body became leaner and more muscular. A slight tan replaced her normally pale skin. When that was done, she crossed her arms over her chest and bowed her head. Two slight ridges appeared between her shoulderblades before they erupted into her tri-colored wings. As her wings came out, she dropped her arms to her sides and threw her head back.

Iceara's parents stared in shock and awe as Aletta maneuvered her wings around. Being very careful not to knock anything over, the blue-eyed girl folded her wings around her so they wouldn't take up so much space. She leaned back against the wall and watched Mr. and Mrs. Calisto. They were in complete and total shock.

"So everything is true, then?" Cecilia asked.

"Yes, it is, Ma'am."

"You can do that, too, then?"

"I'm new and still learning." Pause. "Hey, I have an idea."

"I thought I smelled smoke," Aletta said.

Ethan glared at her. "Funny. Why don't we let Iceara stay here for a day or two? You know, so she can talk it over with her parents."

"Ethe, I can't keep bending the rules."

"You said you needed an answer, but you didn't say when you needed it."

"You have a point."

Suddenly, Aletta's feathers started to disappear one by one. Her eyes faded back into the soft greenish-brown that was present most of the time. The human form of her body returned only after her eyes had fully changed back. Ethan tossed her the shirt and she pulled it on. Grabbing a nearby pen and a piece of paper and scribbled a number down on it.

"Call when you've made your decision," Aletta said as the prince followed her out.

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