What an Odd Alliance?

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action Write to Rank 2022 contest.
Round 2: Yellow Belt. You will write a 500-word flash fic.

Prompt: Set the scene and create a dynamic dialogue between the two main characters. We want to see an unlikely alliance between two characters coming together to face a challenge.


My father sent me to an only boys' boarding school after I confronted him. ‌I'm a werewolf hunter.

He said, "I won't hear one more word of that nonsense! Your granddaddy and my grandaddy were as mad as a spoiled pie! And no buts, young lady!" he'd shout.

Oh, didn't I tell you? I'm a girl, purposefully sent to an only boys' boarding school. Go figure.

Since my father is a powerful person‌, and most of the big names owe him plenty, he pulled off a few strings.

Great. It doesn't mean he didn't get his hunter's mark, then it means we are all mad!

I knocked absent-mindedly at the dorm room. The hair was at the back of my stood after I smelled something off. I don't like this, but I opened the door anyway.

Yes, hunters have heightened senses to match those of mystical beasts.

I entered to find a chubby, average-looking guy with brown hair and large glasses that ate half his cheeks. He sat in front of a computer, and it was a mess with the McDonald's sauce splattered all over.

"Hey, welcome," he said, stood up and tried to shake my hand.

Before I took it, I recognized the mark on his wrist.

Instinctively, I took him down, summoned my weapon, and held the sword threateningly at his chest.

"You're a werewolf!" I shouted and spat at the floor.

"Woo! Hey Lady! Yes, I'm a werewolf, but it doesn't mean I'm going to eat you," he tried to joke.

"Any last words, beast?" I snarl, ready to pierce my perfectly shaped blade into this monster.

"Yes, if you kill me, you won't be able to pass this semester," he explained.


"You are my assigned partner for this semester. And if I die," he said, pushed my muscular body like it was nothing, stood up, looked at me with his welcoming eyes, and continued, "In this school, we stay partners till we graduate. The better we work together, the faster we can pass courses and win house points."

"House points?" I ask confused about what the heck he was talking about.

"You think I don't smell you, too? I know you're a hunter. But you are a student as well. If you want to survive here, then we need to work as a team," he reasoned, as though it was the simplest thing in this world.

"Are you blooding kidding me? We are mortal enemies!" I snarl.

"Yes, and trust me, I know that. But guess what, I have plans to go to Harvard University, and I won't let a snobbish hunter like you come in my way."

"So are you in?" he said and held his hands.

I looked at him, analyzing his friendly eyes and genuine smile.

"I don't trust you."

"You don't have to," he replied.

I reluctantly shook his hands, and he caught up with me on how this weird house points system works.

Total Word count:  495 words.

Wow! I really enjoyed that one! It was so fun to write and definitely better to write 500 words! Finally, I got to create a scene and a dialogue.

What do you think? Will the Hunter and her Mortal Enemy put their differences aside and gain those house points?

Will that Werewolf go to Harvard?


OMG! I passed round 2! *squeals* Stay tuned for round 3: Orange belt *drum rolls*  Congratulations to those 40 fighters who passed round 2!

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