2. Ash

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I am Ash. Recently, I've made a huge mistake, one of my biggest yet when Garchamp got took away from me. I felt like a failure. I spent hours crying in my room. First, Pikachu died, and now I let Garchamp go away from me too. Then when I realized- I wasn't normal when I gave it away to that sly sinnoh champion.. I was hypnotized! I wasn't quite myself, at all. My mind felt blank, empty, like the only thing in my head was her orders, and the only option I had was to accept her unfair offer. It wasn't thinking clearly, as if I was drunk. Wait..  I could GET Garchamp back, and put Cynthia in jail forever!

"She's tricked us all long enough.." I spent the entire 3 years researching about her special ability. I soon found the hypnotizing skill she has was called "Obib Setrune", an extremely rare type of human that's born with the power of mind-control. At birth, the baby is not aware of his or her's advantage, yet uses it regularly to have the parents get what it wanted. However, due to their young age, the effects aren't as strong, and the parents soon realize the monstrosity of a child they're raising, causing most babies with Obib Setrune to be abandoned. However, what my theory was that somehow, Cynthia started with more powerful ability at birth, allowing her to get what she wished for. With this, she was incredibly spoiled, and her powers even got more stronger with age. This information was good, but I still needed what causes the baby to have the powers in the first place, and the weakness of that potential substance.

It took me a shocking 2 years, but my biggest guest was copium. A special air that would need the blood of a cloud Pokèmon, the breath of a man from another universe, and the crap of a dinosaur. Good thing they sold it on Ebay.

Ash buys all the needed resources



Then, I made copium! I took a good 4 minutes observing my amazing creation. Now I was finally ready to approach Cynthia and take my beloved Garchamp back. I stored the air in a special container, making sure the cap was sealed tight, but lose enough for me to open it in less than a second. Now, all that I had left is to wonder where Cynthia will be.. And the only option was to threaten her most trusted bodyguard, Ganyu. Let's skip those parts.


Ash walked up towards Cynthia, a smirk on his face. He was finally able to get the longing revenge he wished for, and his hard work would finally pay off. Though he did need to act normal to lower Cynthia's suspicion. So he spoke, trying to avoid eye contact with her, putting on a shy facade. "Hello! Miss Cynthia, I regret to be a bother, you're truly amazing.. But not anymore!" He yelled, flipping the cap off the glass container he held, shoving the copium in Cynthia's face. Cynthia, looking in disbelief that someone would do this to her, looked Ash straight into the eyes. "So, you're challenging me? Why don't you look in my eyes, boy?~" Ash nervously shivered. If he failed, he would be hypnotized again, but if he succeeded, Cynthia would no longer have her powers.

Ash looked up hesitant and slowly, until he finally looked Cynthia into the eyes.

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