Euphoria (HBO) - Day 16 : Genderfluid - Cal/Minako

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Prompt : Write either a fic under the "Other" category (can be fluff, hurt/comfort, whatever you see fit) in which one or both of the characters in that pairing are genderfluid OR a gen fic in which a genderfluid character (can be a canon or headcanoned character) is coming out to/being comforted by/otherwise talking about gender with their friend(s)

Minako stood there, stroking the man's hair and whispering soft comforts. Cal just seemed numb. Truthfully, he didn't know how he'd gotten this lost in life, and being there with this person who was so unapologetically themself only emphasized that.

"Everyone knows who I am" they had said, and it was true. They were just so open. So unashamed. So fluid. Cal almost resented them for it but couldn't find it within himself to actually fully believe those sentiments. Really, he just admired them.

Because they were everything he was too afraid to be.

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