Chapter 1.

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Ruby's head hits a shelf in her locker as a solid object hits the back of her head. She turned around, seeking for who threw the object. She looked down at what hit her, it was a thick school book. She looked up and saw Qasim and Ally, the two kids who had been bullying her since close to the start of freshmen year.

"Hey there music nerd!" Ally chuckled. "What's with the outfit huh? Have you gone gay like your parents?"

Ruby looked down at her outfit, the boys school uniform. It took a lot of convincing from her and her parents, but the principle eventually let her wear the uniform for Sophomore year. She looked up and glared at Ally.

"What? Got nothing to say, weirdo?" Qasim said.
Ruby puts her hand on her head, as it started to hurt real bad. "Why did you throw that?" She asked, growing irritated.

"THAT'S What's your worried about? It was just a book! If I were you, I'd be more worried about people thinking you were trans!" Ally replied.

Ruby rolled her eyes. Qasim and Ally bully her because her parents were gay. She never let their insults and homophobic jabs get to her, but it was still annoying.

"So what, huh? I don't give a shit what others think. This is what makes me feel comfortable." Ruby replied.

"Comfortable as a boy?" Ally pressed, teasing her.

"No," Ruby smirked. "Comfortable not looking like a whore." She said, looking Ally dead in the eyes.

Ally had a shocked look on her face that quickly turned to anger. Ruby liked to make jabs back at them sometimes, mainly just to get a reaction outta them. Qasim was saying something, probably in angry defense of Ally, but Ruby ignored him. She grabbed the notebook she needed and closed her locker, heading off to homeroom.

Ruby Scott, a 16 year old girl, was adopted at the age of 4 by her parents, Vinny and Lukey. She never cared that her parents were gay and loved them greatly.

Ruby was a tomboy, she knows this and her father sometimes teases her for it, which she doesn't mind. She feels uncomfortable in skirts and prefers to wear dark or muted reds. She's tough and sometimes aggressive, she likes to play softball and really loves music.

Before the beginning of Sophomore year the principal, Mr. Trevino, encouraged students to open more school clubs. Ruby saw her chance and asked to open a music club. The principal agreed as long as she could get members to join within the next week or so. She advertise it to her classmates, but half laughed at her for the idea.

She was thinking about her club when she heard footsteps, like someone was running, and a familiar voice calling her name.

"Ruby! Wait up!"

Ruby turned around and saw her best friend, Cody Hendrix, trying to catch up to her.

Ruby stopped and laughed as Cody caught up, panting. "Late as always." She teased.

Cody ran his fingers through his shaggy brown hair, trying to fix it. "Aw c'mon! You know I sleep in sometimes! Give me a break!" He whined.

"Sometimes" Ruby echoed, chuckling.

"Alright alright! I get it!" Cody shock his head, laughing with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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