Chapter 5: he gets that from you. I can tell.

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- P.O.V Max -

"Uuuhhhhgggg..." I groan as a wake up and get off the couch "Man I'm hungry" I say "wonder what good he has" I say closing my eyes as I stretch "welp time tooooo- when did I get in the kitchen? I definitely didn't walk." I say confused, I look down as I feel something at my feet "holy-" I see shadows gathered at my feet moving up and down out and in of the ground "holy shit that's so cool!" I say with stars in my eyes "what's so cool?" Monkey King asks " Look!" I say pointing to my feet "...." He's silent as he looks "oh shit" he says "You know now your gonna have to teach me how to control this now right?" I ask "yeah I know" he says exasperated "Sooooo~ other than that how's about you let me visit MK" I say grabbing a apple "No." he says with a straight face "OH COME ON!" I yell 'so unfair' I think "too bad now I got to get some stuff done don't do anything dumb" he says walking out of the house "Yeah yeah" I grumble angrily

-10 minutes later-

"Ugh" I sigh "man this sucks" I feel something climb on me "huh- oh hey Láméi Táo" I say to the small monkey she pats my head as a hello "So Monkey King said I can't leave to see MK and that's not fair am I right?" I ask her, she nods with her arms crossed "Yeah I know you understand Táo so what should I do?" I ask her and she points to the city and then to me "Your right I should go!" I say getting up "you wanna come?" I ask and she nods "Kay tell your parents and I'll get ready" she nods

-10 minutes later-

"Ok ready to go?" She nods "Alright hang on" I say picking her up, she grabs on to me "oooo~ ok." I sigh thinking about going to MK's House as I close my eyes


"AAAAAHHHHH" I hear MK yell I open my eyes "Yo Táo It worked!" I say happily looking down at her clapping in amusement "W-when- how- WHAT?!" He yells "yeah I got magic now. Cool right?" I ask excitedly "UH YEAH THATS AWSOME!!" He yells "wait who's that" he questions "Oh this is Láméi Táo, she follows me around a lot so I took her with me!" I answer "so what are you up to? You haven't been at the mountain lately" I ask "no I have your just always asleep when I get there" he says "oh" "yeah but I've been-" he says explaining everything to me "Uh MK you should really take breaks" I say worried "I'm fine I put the clones down !" He says "Clones?" I ask "yeah it's a new power!" He says happily "nice! Hey you got any food I didn't really have breakfast? I could make you some too!" I ask "yeah I do!" He answers "Awesome, ok Táo stay with MK I'll be back" I says putting her down next to him as she nods "k be back soon!" I say walking to the kitchen

-20 minutes later-

"All done!" I say putting down the plates (Táo surprisingly likes cooked food but prefers fruit) "Whoa!! It looks so good!" He exclaims "thank you"

-an hour later-

"Wait really?!" I ask laughing "Yeah I'm not kidding he was like this huuuggee" he says spreading his arms out laughing as well "haha~ oh wait what time is it?" I ask " about 5:00 pm why" he says "OH SHIT SUN'S GUNNA KILL ME" I yell getting up "sorry kid gotta go" I say ruffling his hair "it's alright see you later!" He says "see ya kid." I say falling through the shadows with Táo in my arms sleeping


"Ok maybe he's not here..." I say hopefully "so how was MK's house?" "OH SHIT- COME ON MAN LOOK WHAT YOU DID YOU MADE ME WAKE UP TÁO" I yell at him "Táo? Who's Táo?" He says confused "this is Táo well Láméi Táo is her full name" I answer showing him Táo "oh hi there!" He says crouching down to her, she sticks her tongue out at him "uh-" he says "HA! I taught you well." I say proud of her. As he glares at me I walk to the door "alright head to your parents Táo" I say and she nods at me running to them and I walk back in the house "MK is waaayyy~ to troublesome to be near.. he gets that from you. I can tell." I say to him "hey!" He yells at me

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