this is the freedom...

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WASH: the soulmate phenomenon

It bewildered him, how golden hues enraptured him the way it did. Everything gravitated towards those colors in some way. Even his clothing has slowly shifted to those rich, earthy, distantly magical hues that always brought him comfort.

His favorite part of the day was the sunrise and sunset where amber light would yawn across the barren walls and the countertops of his lab. He loved to sit on the floor and bask in the light when he could. There he would sit and draw or work or just unwind. He finds that he is most efficient during these hours of the day.

Something about the tawny color has completely enchanted him.

For a biologist, he was certainly less knowledgeable about the world than he should be.

She too was no exception.

She too owned various garments in multiple hues of blue, from spectacles to hair ribbons to shoes.

She was spellbound, captivated, and enthralled with every shade of blue she saw.

From the tinted windows, to the tiles and to the plants that dwelled in her nursery. Idyllic irises and the dangerous Delphiniums stood tall and vibrant amongst the green life.

It's such a poisonous hue, maybe that's why she loved it so.

She dusted off the damp mulch and soil from her coat, clasping her journal shut and fishing for the greenhouse keys in her pocket.

The blue door of the greenhouse was bowing over her with intimidation and disappointment. With a sigh, she tucks the key into the lock and opens her place of paradise to the outside world. Another failed attempt. This feeling was the only shade of blue she despised.

She locks the doors with a fumble, pushing her glasses up before quickly retreating to her car, deciding on a cafe that would wash her blues away.

The bright sky is dimming. Rich bronze takes over the sky, hugging the halo of clouds and the reflections from the skyscrapers perfectly. The warm atmosphere of the cafe, rich and jaded.

He sits at a booth watching with an absent gaze, the feet of people stumble by each other as his fingers drum against the walls of the ceramic cup.

As of recent, the feeling of loneliness as begun to grow restless. He reasons with himself about it often; he is too busy with work and his pottery classes to establish a consistent relationship of any kind.

But admittedly, to talk with someone about more intimate matters, outside of shallow small talk, research, and projects-it doesn't sound all that unappealing.

She too has also expanded on this idea. Going to the coffee shop alone, working alone, and coming home to an empty apartment each day. It isn't always a peaceful schedule, even for an introvert like her.

She slots herself into an empty booth. Just a few paces away, a young man in a turtleneck the color of vanilla orchids catches her eyes. Subconsciously, she notes of the shade of vibrant turquoise his eyes were and his somber expression.

And then their eyes meet.

The stark difference between her and the cafe with her blue ribbon around her collar and turquoise cardigan against the brown of the cafe walls is what caught his attention first. Second, Albedo has never seen eyes like hers, though he's never been one to observe faces so he wouldn't see much. He doesn't notice how their gazes have interlocked until she flits her eyes away, her brows furrowed with embarrassment.

And then her eyes met his again, and all over again they were caught up in their heads. Minds full of fuzzy thoughts that had yet to catch fire and leave behind a burnished message.

Magic, it felt like. It is the strangest of things.

In his world painted with a wash of sienna and in her world painted with the wash of ultramarine, this sudden connection stood out against it all. And the tug in their chest felt tangible for once.

In the corner of his vision he sees a faint line of red that comes from his hand and dips below the table. And Sucrose can see it too, the blur of red that looped and twirled over and over again on the tile.

A collision of worlds by the turns of fate-

It started like this.


wash: the soulmate phenomenon || alberoseWhere stories live. Discover now