First Day Of Law School

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Candace took in a deep breath as she opened the door to her very first class of law school. She had a huge smile plastered on her face. She had been dreaming of attending this school for as long as she could remember. She had been dreaming of becoming a lawyer for a long time and now she was finally going to once she graduates. She took a seat in the middle of the class she was wearing gray plaid pants and a red vneck shirt. Her hair was half up and half down with some Bobby pins holding it in place.

As she sat down she pulled her back on her lap and took out her book for the class as well as a notebook and about 4 or 5 pens to take notes she placed them in front of her. "You don't happen to have like 4 extra pens do you?" She heard a male voice on her left. "Oh! I do actually"- she said in excitement and then looked up and was immediately taken aback by his handsome he was he had caramel skin black hair and hazel eyes. She chuckled and nodded her head. "You're making fun of me." He chuckled in response taking a seat next to her.

"No I actually think it's pretty cool your actually making me feel unprepared" he said taking out his notebook and one pen. "So what's your name?" "I'm Candace Flynn" She said smiling at him. "We'll it's nice to meet you Candace I'm Tyler David" just then a teacher who had gray hair and looked to be around somewhere in his 50's and was wearing glasses and a little overweight walked in. "Hello class I'm Mr. Thomas and you are taking torts here are my rules make sure your homework and exams are done in time and we don't have a problem understood? Good" as the teacher began to speak candace opened her notebook to the first page and sat it back down and in turn knocked her 5 pens she had on the floor.

"Shit" she mumbled underneath her breath. "Here" he whispered. "What about you?" She asked "it's okay I'll just listen go ahead" she gave him a thankful smile and began to take notes. As the teacher was going on about their class and the meaning behind torts. Candace would once in a while look over and smile at him and each time she'd look away whenever he noticed her staring at him.

After 3 hours candace was gathering her stuff together to head to her next class. "Hey Candace right?" "Yeah?" "I was thinking if maybe you wanted to get together and be study partners?" "Sure sounds great I have to get to my other classes but maybe we can meet at the library say around 7ish?" He nodded and she smiled walking out of the class. On her way there she took out her phone and dialed one of her best friends. "Hey Candace what's up? How's law school treating you?" "Oh my gosh Stacy I just met a super cute sexy guy in my class like oh my god." Candace said cheerfully.

Stacy laughed "wow are you going to sleep with him?" She snorted "shut up of course not I just met him and we're going to meet up later at the library to study together." Stacy laughed again. "You should've invited him back to your room and let him study you." Candace gasped. "Oh my god Stacy! Stop! You know I don't sleep with guys I just met but who knows maybe I'll sleep with him once I get to know him better and besides for all I know he could have a girlfriend." Stacy sighed. "Yeah your right well I'll talk to you later but make sure to call me and tell me all the details and find out if he has a girlfriend or anything."

Candace rolled her eyes "alright Stacy I'll talk to you later." She hanged up the call and put her phone back in her pocket and went to her next class.

It had been a couple of hours later and it was 7:15 when candace was heading to the library to meet with her new study partner. When she walked in she scanned the room and noticed him seating down on one of the tables there was a good amount of students studying as well some were by themselves others in a pair while some studied in a group. She made her way over to him and sat down. "Hey Candace" he said smiling at her. "Hey Tyler?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Yea that's tell me are you a freshman a transfer?" He asked. "I'm a freshman and you?" "Same"

She nodded taking out her books and notebooks. "So Candace tell me do you have a boyfriend?" She shook her head. "No I did but we broke up like a month ago what about you? Do you have a girlfriend?" "Nope I'm single as since we're both single how about you let me take you out on a date?"he asked smirking making her blush. She cleared her throat. "Ahem well I'm actually not dating at the moment I'm trying to just get through school without any distractions..we should probably start studying since we have a quiz next time we're in his class" she said. "Oh okay we'll let's begin."

It's not that she didn't to go on a date with him but she had broken up with her boyfriend for that reason she wanted to concentrate on her school work rather then be distracted by a boy. But hey she never said she wasn't down for hooking up.

It was about an hour later of them studying and surprisingly they hit it off she could tell he was a jokester and formally a class clown considering he kept making her laugh throughout the school study session. She sighed wiping a tear from her eye and closing her book. "We'll I probably get going I have a lot of unpacking left to do and homework" "okay we'll it was really nice getting to know you I'll see you in class." She nodded walking out of the library and back to her dorm room.

She was glad she didn't have to share her dorm with a roommate she didn't like the idea of someone else possibly going through her personal things. On her way back she stopped by a fast food place on campus and took her dinner back to her room. Once she was inside she sat the food down and her backpack she then changed into some comfortable pajamas and sat down on her bed where she took her phone out and FaceTimed her other long time best friend Jeremy Johnson.

They had been best friends since the beginning of middle school when she first entered 6th grade. She always found him attractive but never once thought he had found her attractive. She still remembered how they first met when he accidentally spilled his shake all over her while he was walking and talking with his friends and wasn't paying attention.

She was mad because it was the first day of school it was her new outfit and his friends were being complete jerks about it laughing and making fun of her. She did like though that he stood up for her and let  her borrow his sweater for the day since she had to remove her shirt she ended up wearing his sweater with just her bra after that day they became really good friends and he became the guy she would always run to when it came to having problems with her ex boyfriend's always brought her her favorite Starbucks drink to cheer up whenever she'd be going through a break up.

Unfortunately her senior year he moved away to New York to attend his school since he is one year older than her but even though he was miles apart they still always talked on the phone but little did she know he had been liking her for years and she always liked him too and even though everyone else around them could clearly see it they were both oblivious to it.

She waited a minute before he answered the call. "Hey candy! How's college you're not getting into any trouble are you?" He asked jokingly. She rolled her eyes. "No well at least not yet anyways" she said laughing. He shook his head. "So how was your day with classes feeling overwhelmed yet?" "No not yet but I'm sure I'll get there I did however meet this new guy and my god was he hot and we met up like an hour ago to study together." Jeremy rolled his eyes at her. "I thought you said you weren't going to be dating anyone?" She sighed "I know and I'm still sticking to my plan but I never said I wouldn't do any hooking up." She said and he gasped.

"Candy! Don't do that. That is a bad idea for so many reasons and I don't want to hear about you hooking up that's gross." She scoffed "oh so you can tell me about your hookups but I can't?" She asked. "Yes because your like a little sister to me and the thought of you sleeping around is disturbing." She rolled her eyes. "Fine I won't gross you out." He laughed "already I would love to stay on the phone and talk with you but I gotta meet some of my friends so I'll talk to you later get plenty of rest don't overwork yourself and love you" she smiled. "Alright have fun love you too." She said hanging up.

She sighed holding the phone close to her chest she always wondered if at some point he liked her the way she likes him but she knew he probably didn't considering he always referred to her as a little sister. Well I guess that answers that question.

What are your thoughts on this new story? What did you guys think about this chapter? What do you think will happen next chapter? Let me know and as always I appreciate votes and comments

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