Vacation House

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It had been one week since the Candace's birthday party had happened and she slept with Tyler although she had no memory of what happened that night all she remembered was arriving to the party hearing Stacy's speech and having conversations with her friends but after that everything else was a blur to her. And the next thing she knew she woke up naked next to Tyler and she figured they had sex because why else would he be laying in bed next to her naked.

She hadn't told Jeremy yet about what had happened and wasn't sure if she would. He was however suspicious of her weird behavior especially when he would mention Tyler but he figured it was probably cause he was getting married and maybe a small part of her still had feelings for him.

Candace knew she could trust him with any secret and know he would never repeat it to anyone else but she didn't want him to judge her and think bad of her I mean what kind of a best friend was she sleeping her best friends fiancé she felt absolutely horrible about it and she wasn't sure if she was even going to be able to keep this a secret from Stacy's for very long.

Jeremy groaned as they stepped outside of her apartment complex with their luggages. "Ugh I can't believe you're forcing me to come on this weekend vacation gateway with you." Candace turned around to face him. "Stop it's going be a lot of fun I promise." He sighed "how much fun is it going to be when you want me to be your chaperon with your boyfriend Marcus." He said.

"Okay first of all he's not my boyfriend and second of all I only met him once at my party remember?" "Yeah i remember he kept hitting on you the whole entire time." "Yeah well he gave me a bad vibe." Just then a black Range Rover pulled up Tyler was driving while Stacy was in the passenger seat and she rolled down her window. "Oh no! Please don't tell me! He's actually coming?!" Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Okay! Bye Candace have fun" he said beginning to walk away.

"No! You promised" she said grabbing his arm and pulling him along. "Stacy be nice." She scolded. Jeremy shook his head in frustration and opened the trunk he put his luggage in and was about to help Candace with hers when Tyler popped out of nowhere. "Here let me help you" he said and Jeremy noticed him touching her shoulder and she flinched at his touch and walked away from him instantly. "That's not suspicious at all!" Jeremy thought to himself. As Candace was about to get in the car Marcus opened the door for her but stood in front of it to block her from getting in.

"Pay the toll" he said gesturing for her to kiss cheek. "Ummm..." she tapped his cheek with her hand and he chuckled. "Okay I'll let that one pass but I'll get that kiss" he said slapping her ass as she climbed in the car. Jeremy noticed this and saw how uncomfortable she felt. "Hey man don't touch her she doesn't like that!" He said firmly as he glared at him. "Okay sorry" he said putting his hands up in the air.

"Okay let's get this show on the road" Tyler said trying to ease up the tension. Stacy cheered and turned up the music in the car as Tyler drove off. Candace was in seated in between Jeremy and Marcus but she felt very uncomfortable around him so she scooted as close to possible to Jeremy. She linked her arm with his and laid her head on his shoulder.

He always knew when she was feeling uncomfortable in a situation whenever it came to a guy since she would always grab on to him which made him feel good knowing she felt like he would always protect her if needed and he would and has on some occasions she was his world and he would do anything to make sure she felt safe around him.

about 30 minutes in the car ride Jeremy looked down at her and noticed she was asleep he smiled and laid his head on top of hers.
Tyler kept looking in his mirror and couldn't help but to feel jealous about their friendship Candace had been avoiding his calls and messages the whole week and he really wanted to talk to her about what had happened he wanted to make sure she wasn't going to say anything to anyone especially to Stacy.

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