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Hi all! 

You have no idea how much I wanted to attempt to salvage this as my love for Helmut is still so strong! But, let's be honest - the unhinged works of a 14 year old are not something that many people actually enjoy reading.  I've decided to rewrite the the entire fic and post it chapter by chapter on to my tumblr instead. 

If you want to join me over there, my tumblr is @knucklescum . 


If not, thanks for coming along for the ride of my unmoderated access to the internet!

I hope to MAJORLY improve this fic as it has so much potential, although it's definitely going to take a while. The first part is being posted as you read this (if you're reading it as soon as i post this) so be sure to take a look!

Lots of love,

the og daddy zemo appreciator 

RECONTINUED- Helmut Zemo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now