Love under the full moon

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Do you really love me?... Really love me? Your words say one story but your eyes tell another I know how you look at her and I know how you miss her- and I know how she sees you too- although I can not really blame her, your pale light skin your freckles on your shoulders and face the blond hair barley crisping on your shoulders, your touch is like flames to me but your words are music as well, your love and your life are such torture but such a gift at the same time I wish I could have you and oh how I wish you could have me but I guess some things are just not meant to be so I write in this book how it all started and how it all ended and maybe dear reader if you are my love or if you are some peeping Tom- enjoy reading the life, pain, sorrow, and embrace that can come with love and when it comes to the person you love
So sit by me in the sand listen to the sweet waves of the beach and ponder on the love under the moonlight

Oh but don't be sorrowful! Not all first loves end as a chummy lovey dovie Disney movie, this is what love really is
And before we start let me tell you what love really is
Their is no such thing as love at first sight love takes time and love takes work and a lot of it at that even a 20 year marriage can end in an instant
Also you are not half's that complete each other you are both one- being a whole as two of you are whole as well for a relationship is never fully whole when parts of yourself is missing
And finally you don't  "need" each other, now if you watch the old chummy movies of how the two will never leave each other's side your wrong
Knowing that your lover will be with you no matter what knowing that when you eventually pass is when you will meet again knowing that you don't need each others presence as long as both trust each other and as long as both communicate then love and needing without needing will start to show
Now let's start my story or should i say our story

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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