Chapter 1

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"CEO and founder of Future Industries, Hiroshi Sato, was arrested just last night after manufacturing weapons for a terrorist organization..." The rest sounded dull. The news always did, with the news anchors' voice droning on and on about whatever the case may be. I was hardly awake when it came on in the mornings.

It was usually for Tenzin's own entertainment—no one really watched it beside him. Though I was convinced he even ignored the news. I would always find him staring at the screen absentmindedly, as if he had been in some sort of mental oasis, trying to drown out the buzz of commotion that would spur around the house. He was completely lost in his own world.

But unlike every other morning, Tenzin had sat pin straight in his seat, staring at the screen with furrowed brows and wide eyes. He was clearly disturbed by the news anchor's words.

"Korra, your lunch," Pema had said as she slid the paper bag across the counter towards me. "Thanks, Pema," I said, my voice still thick with sleep—I had been up for hours already.

"Korra, we are going to school a little earlier today," Tenzin said, getting up in a rush.

"What, Why? It's only seven-ten."

"Yes, well, I have to talk to the principal and the other councilors. Today is not going to be good." He had said the last part under his breath, almost inaudible. If it weren't for the tv shutting off at that moment, I wouldn't have heard him.

"Uhm, alright..." I said, deciding it was best not to ask the rest of the questions that roamed in my head. He looked worried enough.

"Everything alright, hon'?" Pema asked.

"Everything is alright. I'll let you know the details when I get home, okay?" She nodded her head before he planted a kiss on her forehead.

"What happened? Is it about the school? Did something bad happen? Or did something good happen?" Ikki chimed, voice pitched high with curiosity as she asked a string of questions.

"Yeah, tell us what happened, Dad," Meelo said, just as stricken with curiosity as his sister was.

"Guys quit it," Jinora said, voice filled with annoyance. "Dad just has work to do, and you guys are making them late." Jinora—despite being ten—is quite mature for her age, having been the oldest sibling to the two most rambunctious kids. But even then, I was amazed every time her wise mind would come up with such meaningful words. Almost felt as if I were talking to Katara sometimes.

Tenzin's patience was already running low; I could tell by the redness in his ears. "Thank you, Jinora," he said as he grabbed his keys and his old and worn messenger bag. "I'm leaving now. I'll see you all after school. Korra, let's go," he said, already out of the door.

"Love you, guys," I said, taking a banana from the fruit bowl before leaving.

Tenzin looked frantic behind the wheel, though he kept at the speed limit. I had asked him questions, asking if everything was alright, but he only answered with a yes and nothing more. I pried some more, but I didn't get far as he said, "I'll tell you soon. Besides, I'm sure you'll hear it around anyways." I wasn't sure what he meant, but I dropped the topic and decided that the school football game was a much more interesting one to talk about.

We arrived at school in under ten minutes, the school was still partially empty with a few students roaming around here and there but nothing more. "I'll see you after school," said Tenzin before going his own way. I could hear the rapid clicking of his steps fade through the halls before they disappeared around the corner. Weird, I had thought.

Tenzin's a calm person, a stern one but calm. And sometimes, he can get a bit flustered when things get overwhelming. He tries to hide it, though. But then there are these rare moments when things can get too overwhelming.

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