Do You Believe In Destiny?

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This is a nice long chapter, I didn't want to split it into two, or three, because I want to try to start making the chapters longer and filled with more detail and situations like a normal novel.


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When Odd woke up that morning, she wasn't on the floor where she had originally laid down and passed out. Instead she felt something warm pressed onto her back, and her head was lying firmly on a pillow. Confused and dazed from the early morning light she turned over onto her back. Lying next to her on the tiny bed was Nuisance, his arms huddled across his chest as if he had been shivering. Odd glanced down at the blanket that was wrapped around her body and then she looked back at Nuisance confused. 

She figured either she slept walked her way to a comfier place or Nuisance had placed her there last night and then she stole his blankets. His face was so peaceful when he slept; it looked like he had never been angry, irritated, or stressed in his life. Quietly Odd pulled the blankets off of her body and placed them back over Nuisance and then she lay back onto the pillow and closed her eyes.

"Who is in that room?" The voice was muffled from behind the wall and doors, but Odd could hear it rather clearly. Someone replied, but their voice was so low she couldn't make it out. "That doesn't make any sense; Inspure never lets anyone stay in that room that used to be her room." Whoever was speaking kept talking but the voice got quieter and quieter as they walked away from the door.

Odd sat up in bed her eyebrows furrowing together with curiosity and confusion. As Odd looked around the room that's when she began to notice the tiny old pictures propped at the desk. The odd scribbles across the desk and how there were little toys and novelties scattered across the room. It looked as if a girl had lived in the room.

Odd slowly slid out of the bed, careful to not disturb Nuisance. Quietly she creaked across the floor boards towards the desk and she ran her hands across the pictures which had collected with dust. The picture was a smiling girl, her teeth sparkled white and her eyes were a deep black in the photo, but in the next photo they were a light gray. Odd's lips turned to a frown and she looked away and then stared at the writing on the desk.

As she looked closer she noticed that the writing wasn't even intelligible, they were a bunch of symbols, similar to the symbols that Odd had seen on Nuisance's arm. She looked back over at him sleeping on the bed and then she quickly slid back next to him and peeled back the blankets to expose his arms. Sure enough the symbols were almost the same; Odd looked back over at the desk and stared at the symbols that had been carved into the wood. 

"Hmm?" Nuisance grunted as his eyes parted and he breathed in sharply from being woken from his slumber. Odd snapped her hands back and looked to the ground. She felt him turn over on his side and sigh in exhaustion. "Odd?" He asked and she looked back at him. 

"Yes?" She asked as she watched him rub his eyes in attempt to wake up. Then it seemed a brick had hit him and he shot up and stared down at Odd with wide eyes.

"Oh... it wasn't a dream." He groaned and lowered his gaze. Odd instantly reached out and touched his arm as if it would comfort him. She watched his eyes stare at her hands and then travel back up to her face. He was looking at her again with that odd look that he had given her a few mornings before.

Odd flushed and sighed in embarrassment. Then she stood up and walked towards the door. "I'm just going to go get some..." She didn't finish her sentence because she wasn't sure what she was going to find in this place, so she just left through the doorway, not bothering to mention the desk or pictures to Nuisance. 

As she made her way downstairs to the first floor she quickly threw her hair up into a messy bun on top of her head. When she stepped into the main room with the bar and tables she found herself staring at four other faces, including the Old Man who was apparently named Inspure. He noticed her entrance and he smiled a wrinkly smile at her which caused the other three to look in her direction. 

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