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"Where in the bloody fuckin' hell have you been?"

I stop, halfway through shutting the door, busted in the middle of sneaking back inside of the house.

"It's not even seven thirty, Louis. Why are you awake?" I whisper shout, my face getting hot.

"Your weird little hairy child woke me up about twenty minutes ago with her nose right in my face yelling at me." He said, arms swinging around as if it was the most unbelievable thing that has ever happened.

I stifle a laugh and turn to shut the door completely and make my way to the kitchen counter.

"I was on a run. Bad dream."

I didn't have to look at him to know he was giving me that annoying pitiful look he always does when I bring shit like this up.

"How bad?" He asks, looking for a way to ask me if I'm alright, without trying to piss me off.

"Just the usual amount. Fuckin' annoying, it was freezing this morning." I let out a humourless chuckle, which doesn't do anything to make him stop looking at me like that.

I make a move to pick up a clean cloth from the hanger next to the sink and wet it to wipe down the benches.

"Wake me up next time, its too cold this time of year for you to be running as much as you do. Especially that early, Gov." he forces a smile and wanders off to his room without waiting for a reply.

I continue to tidy the kitchen benches and sweep the floors a bit, then have a quick shower to wash away the sweat and reminders of my bad dream. Once I get out it's around the time to get ready for work. Walking out to Louis room i don't think to knock and just walk straight in.

"Oi, fucking knob head." He throws the shirt he had in his hands at my head, and i quickly dodge it.

"I'm driving today. Not you, sucker." I stick my tongue out at him, childishly, and look his shirtless frame up and down. His hair is damp, and he's standing with one hand on his hip, in front of his wardrobe. "Is that a new tattoo?" I walk closer and flick his upper arm, earning a slap on the wrist.

"No, I've literally had that forever. I hate you, how do you not even know what your best friend looks like." He replies, and i drop my jaw in mock offence, thinking up something nasty to say.

"Cunt." I yell, and run away out of his room, knowing very well i was gonna get a kick to the shins for that. And just as I thought, I hear fast footsteps behind me, slapping against the tile floor of our hallway. Laughing wildly, i dart into the second bathroom that i never usually use and slam the door behind me, scrambling to lock it after.

"You stupid little shit open the door!" I can basically hear the grin plastered on his face.

"Oh, what ever do you mean, sir?"

I yelp as he starts to pound rapidly on the door, trying to get me to open it.

Then silence.

"Fuck off, Louis, your dumb trick isn't gonna work on me, don't you know I love horror movies? I know how this ends, babe." I shout through my laughter, leaning up against the door, tying to listen for any movement indicating he's still there.

I surprisingly don't hear anything and make a decision to unlock the door as quiet as I possibly can. Turning the handle incredibly slowly, i try to contain my laughter by biting my tongue. I peek my head out and scan the area of our small house, my heart going crazy inside my chest.

I take a small step out the door, testing if he's watching from somewhere. When nothing happens after a small moment I make a run for it. Running into the living room I try to make it into the laundry room, planning to stand on top of the washing machine, so he can't see me if he walks past.

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