23 0 1

Possible trigger warning for this chapter. <3


Louis and I got home from work, completely exhausted and agreed on going straight to his bed to nap together. We put on Finding Nemo, our go-to nap movie and fell asleep, tangled together, while my mind was full of the inked man I met earlier at the shop.

I woke up about three hours later, hair stuck to my forehead from sweat, and my thighs stuck to Louis', my face buried in his neck. The movie had ended and the tv was off. I lift my head from its spot, to glance up at Louis. He was still fast asleep.

I decided I was too hot. I carefully removed his hands from around my waist, and my legs from in between his own, and stood up. I walked out of his bedroom, only to grab a spare fan from the hallway cupboard and go back in.

I set it up and turn it on so the air directly hits our face, but i make sure not to have it on the highest setting, not wanting the harsh air to wake him up.

I climb back into bed, but remove the heavy covers from both of our sweaty selves, and kick it towards the end of the bed. Grabbing the tv remote from his bedside table, i turn it on and put the same movie back on, from the start, and fall back asleep in the same position i woke up in.


"Astrid." I feel a hand gently shake my shoulder.

"Shh. Sleeping, good dreams." I mumble, burying my face deeper into it's spot.

"Astrid, wake up, i need the toilet, you're squashing my bladder."

I furrow my brows and lift my head up, immediately met with Louis' face.

"Hi?" I say, my voice hoarse from sleep. "I'm on you."

"You are, babe. Mind getting off, before I pee all over you?" He laughs.

"Yep." I say, and lie down again, putting my face back under his chin.

He sighs and sits up, leaving me straddling him, my head now on his shoulder, and stands up, forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist, and my arms around his shoulders. He doesn't even bother holding me up, with how tight I'm holding onto him.

I decide to let my guard down, feeling safe with Louis. I know he would never throw this back in my face. He's lovely. I love him. I just wanna cuddle.

He starts walking, but I'm too tired to open my eyes and have a look where he's going.

I hear magenta let out a meow at our presence, so I'm assuming we're in my bedroom, where she always sleeps on my bed.

"No, take me with you." I pout, my eyes still closed, and head still on his shoulder. I feel him start to bend down, so I grip onto him tighter.

"I am not taking you with me to pee, just go back to sleep in here, I'll come back after I'm done, I promise, Gov."

It hits me that I'm probably pushing boundaries, and i start to feel clingy and babyish, so I loosen my grip, and he drops me gently down into my bed.

I roll over, my back to him, and pull the covers over my head, not feeling like cuddling anymore.

Why the fuck do I wanna cry right now? For fuck sakes.

I feel the bed dip behind me, and a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, no- Astrid I'll come back. I'm sorry. What did I say?" I can tell he feels bad.

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