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Dustin, Steve, Lucas, Robin and I were all down in the basement again. Meanwhile I was the only one awake. I slumped back into the couch and sighed. Steve and Dustin's loud snoring had woken me up a while ago.

"Hey Dustin, this is Eddie the Banished. You there?" Eddie's voice spoke over the radio. "Dustin can you hear me? Dustin?" Eddie said. I went over to the radio and picked it up. "Hey Eddie it's me Kate. What do you need?" I asked.

"Well a six pack and some fresh food wouldn't hurt." Eddie's voice said from the radio. "I'll be there as soon as I can." I sighed walking up the stairs.

Lucky me, I had already parked my car in the Wheelers drive so I didn't have to take Steve's car. I pulled out of the driveway and made a quick stop at the store before going to where Eddie was hiding.


I parked in the driveway and grabbed the groceries from the back, trudging my way to the shed. Creaking open the door, I saw Eddie eating the last of his Pringles. "The princess made it!" He said looking up at me. I felt butterflies. Wait fuck. Eddie Munson just gave me butterflies. "Yep." I set down the two bags in front of bins taking out the six pack and grabbing one for my self. "Hey! Who said you could have that?" Eddie looked at me as I opened the bottle. "Uh me. I paid for all this shit so I think I'm obliged to one." I said taking a sip.

Eddie reached over me and grabbed the six pack along with another grocery bag. As he opened the bag he saw another six pack. "Ayy! Another one! You're the best Kate!" He smiled. His dark brown eyes glimmered in the small amount of light. His smile was sweet and heartwarming. "No problem." I replied giving back a small smile.

A few beers later Eddie was almost completely wasted. "So. Who's catching the princess's eyes these days?" He asked. "I hate nickname so much Eddie." I grumbled. "Sorry princess." He teased. "And there's a few boys I like." I replied. "Oooo. And who would that be?" He asked. "That's confidential, sorry." I raised my arms and shrugged.

"What about you?" I asked Eddie. "Oh I mean there's a few out there. You?" He muttered. "I already answered." I asked confused. "No you. You're... you're cute. I like you. I've liked you since seventh grade. That one time we ate lunch together." He said going for another beer.

"But you... you looked so different." I said. "Yeah well my hair was buzzed." Eddie stood up. "And, I didn't have these sweet old tattoos yet." He said showing his chest tattoos. "Holy shit. That's hot." I muttered. "What's that?" He asked. "I said those are cool tattoos." I gulped feeling my face flush pink. 

Eddie came back over, sitting next me. "Hey if I ever get name cleared would you wanna hang out some-" Eddie's voice faded away.

I opened my eyes. I wasn't in the shed anymore. I was at the graveyard. The sky was cloudy and grey, red lightning flashed. The sound of a clock pulled me further and further into the graveyard. "Kate." A voice whispered behind me. Billy's voice. "B-billy?" I asked trying to understand. "Oh my sweet Kate look at you." He said. "But I don't... you're dead." I shook my head not able to understand what I was seeing. "Yeah. I see you look happier than ever." He said coming closer to me. "I'm not. I miss you Billy." I said backing up. "Oh do you?" He said, his voice getting more stern. "Don't try to deny it! I know when saw me did in the mall, you were glad it wasn't you! Part of you was happy I was gone! You were the last person I saw when I died! You had no emotion on your face! You looked happy I was gone!" He shouted. "No! Billy. Please no! It should have been me!" I screamed.

I continued to back away from Billy, but before I could start running I tripped and fell down. Billy hovered over me now. "See, you want to run away from me." He sneered. Regaining my balance I started running as fast as I could. "You can't out run me Kate." Billy said, his voice distorting. I turned around to look back at him. But it wasn't Billy. It was tall man who had grey skin and tentacles all over his body. I started to run faster. It was no help though, the graveyard changed. There was now red smoke everywhere and odd trees everywhere. I saw a body on one and ran up to it. Chrissys face stared blankly at me. "Chrissy." I fell to my knees. "What did you do to her!" I shouted at the monster behind me. "Oh that wasn't me. That was you. You should have been more protective of her."

FREAKS -EDDIE MUNSONWhere stories live. Discover now