Chapter 101

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Chapter 101 The victim who was compared just wanted to die

    The mother and son went to the cemetery the next day, and after seeing their relatives, they also let go of the knots in their hearts for many years. Although this wound may not heal for a lifetime, at least it won't bleed again after the scab, and their lives have finally moved forward again after being stagnant for many years.

    Ms. Luo quickly posted on the Internet that she already knew the truth and would not continue to investigate the case. She decided to look forward and live a good life in the future, and finally expressed her gratitude to Bai Shiqi Office.

    Netizens are dying of curiosity, but neither Luo Ping nor Bai Shiqi's office can find out the truth of the matter. Because of Luo Ping's obsession with the case over the years, people do not suspect that she is colluding with the office. If the firm hadn't given Luo Ping a satisfactory answer, she would never have given up.

    Although the majority of melon eaters failed to eat the truth, they were surprised to find that Luo Ping's autistic son began to frequently appear in Bai Shiqi's office within a few days, and he was still following him. Seven detectives called the master from behind. While shocked, netizens also sighed with emotion. This Bai Shiqi office is really amazing. It can not only solve cases and accept commissions, but also treat children's autism. Is this an office or a clinic?

    As the Luo Ping affair came to an end, the Bai Shiqi Office did not stop there, and even one after another, various unresolved cases began to appear in the firm's entrusted tasks. I don't know if it's because the firm's popularity has gone up, or because someone is secretly operating it.

    Facing so many unsolved cases, Bai Shiqi Office did not retreat at all, coming one by one, no matter how many years ago the case happened, no matter how vicious the criminals faced, they could always solve the case within a few days.

    The vast number of netizens can't even eat melons. Those cases are all big cases that once caused a sensation, and each of them has enough heat and topics to attract the attention of countless people.

    And every time, Bai Shiqi Office did not let them down, and they didn't even have to wait too long to eat melons. The efficiency was terrifying.

    As the unsolved cases were solved one by one, Bai Shiqi Firm became the top firm in China, and soon, some foreign clients also began to show up to entrust. There has even been a case of a foreign underworld boss kidnapping someone to entrust him.

    Netizens all called the police at that time, crying that their detective was kidnapped, and asked the police station to rescue people.

    As a result, the next day, the boss appeared in person and sent the person back. His polite appearance was in stark contrast to the arrogant attitude of tying people up yesterday. Looking at their detectives again, they still had a kind smile on their faces, and even patted the other party's shoulder, "Woah likes this plot, let's do it again when we have time!

    " Qi could only regret letting him go. When the boss got in the

    car , Xiao Qi turned back and shouted, "I have time to play."

    Many onlookers, "..." How does the development of this plot not correspond to what they think? Finally, the obtuse netizens realized that behind the Bai Shiqi Office, there is probably a big boss among big bosses!

    Enthusiastic netizens began to dig deep into the man behind the detective, and a certain man seemed to receive a signal and began to frequently appear in the White Seventeen Office. He even introduced himself and said that he was white when he met anyone. Everyone was not very optimistic about this man who was not very stable, until netizens discovered another man who was in and out of the office.

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