Chapter 119

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Chapter 119 The Road from Substitute to Buddha's Light

    The officers and men on the ship who were preparing to fight to the death stood in place one after another, watching the chaotic battle in front of them for a long time, unable to recover. Pirates' boats are often overturned by the huge eight-legged sea monster and incomparably large fish, and those who fall into the sea have to face countless sharks in the sea.

    Coincidentally, the sunset fell on the sea in the distance, and the sea water was blood-red against the sunlight. For a while, I couldn't tell whether it was sunlight or blood! The picture is extremely shocking, like an ink painting that is gradually smearing, but the scene in the painting is not known whether it is heaven or hell.

    In this extreme shock, time passed very quickly, the soldiers had not recovered, the last sunset had sunk into the water, and the sea instantly darkened. But in the next second, the sea surface lit up again, but the sea water at this time was no longer bright red, but an ominous and unwilling green color.

    It was at this moment that no matter which party it was, it was clear that the invisible collision came from dilapidated ships lit with blue or green ghosts. The ships had different styles, including war ships, civilian ships, and other ships. Merchant ships, some of them were accidentally buried at the bottom of the sea, and some were killed by pirates. When they appeared at this time, all the pirates who were already panicked were shrouded in panic.

    The evil people in the world who dare to do evil mostly do not believe in karma, and feel that they do not need to be responsible for their actions. When the ghost fire of the ghost ship illuminated the sea, it also scared away the last trace of the pirates' courage to fight, even if they were as ferocious as them, they were afraid of ghosts! Many people cried and shouted to surrender, terrified by what was in front of them.

    When Da Bai took the pirate leader back to the ship, the battle ended. The entire sea maintained a terrifying silence, and even the cry was extremely weak.

    Xiaoqi slowly came to the pirate leader who looked lost, and bowed to the Buddha, and recited Amitabha.

    The pirate leader was frightened, suddenly recovered, and desperately kowtowed to Xiao Qi, "I was wrong, I was wrong! Master, I was wrong! I turned back! I reformed! I put down the butcher knife!"

    Xiao Qi was very pleased , "It's fine if you are willing to accept my Buddha's transformation. It seems that the host is right, the snail is indeed very talented."

    The general, "..." The thief's head with a bruised nose and a swollen face was obviously beaten before he was brought over. It turns out that this is how the masters are used to temper people. But I have to say that this Master Foyou is really good. Those undead who participated in the war and all kinds of strange creatures that have never been seen before are enough to show that this is a god.

    "If there is nothing wrong with the general, you can go to clean up the battlefield." Da Baizhi walked away from the general who was staring at Xiao Qi, and decided in his heart that he would take this general far away when he returned.

    The general received the order and immediately acted. With the order, the soldiers who were still in a low mood not long ago were all full of energy and participated in the finishing work of the battlefield. , collect fallen materials, etc. After cleaning, I found that the consideration of the prince and Master Foyou was indeed... very full, and it was really hard to do these tasks without hands.

    After the real cleaning, everyone found that although the war was huge, there were not many casualties. It's just that the timing of the war was just right. The blood-red sunset that sprinkled the sea made the battle scene look extremely tragic, but in fact, most of the pirates' injuries were from falling into the sea and the collision when struggling, and the death toll was only two or three hundred people. Compared with the number of nearly 10,000 people, the death toll is really not much.

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