Chapter 1

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(Btw your 9 right now and Usui is 8)

I was laying on the floor my body to weak to move after my father's beating. Mother isn't home right know so there is no one here to protect me. My eyelids feel heavy I try my best to keep them open but after some time I let the darkness take over. I felt myself being shaken my eyes slowly open to see my mother with a panicked and worried face. I don't know how long I have been asleep for.

*Timeskip a few days later*

Me and my mother were shocked to hear that my father died from a heart attack while at a bar in town. But non the less we were relieved that he was gone. After the funeral my mother told me that we were gonna move in with her sister and start fresh. Of course I was glad I would get to see my aunt and live a fresh happy life so I was excited the whole way there. Once we had arrived I got out of the car and looked up at the big house before me. 'I guess being rich has its perks' I said to myself. I help my mom with luggage and head to the front door. I knocked and the doors opened revealing the inside of the house which was beautiful in my opinion.

My aunt came down the steps and gave my mom a big hug. "I missed you." My aunt said to which my mom replied with the same. She turned over to me and gave a bone crushing hug. "I-i can b-brea-th" I said as best I could. She pulled away "Sorry dear!" She looked at me with a look of pity. Once settled in we got ready for dinner.

*Timeskip to a week later*

I asked mother if we could go to the park today. She said yes so that's were we were headed right now with our aunt of course. Once we were there I went to the swings. They were always my favorite it was calming sitting there swinging slowly back and forth able to think to yourself or maybe it was just being able to go up into the air. As I was swinging myself lightly back and forth I noticed a person who looked about my age they were wearing a oversized sweater and baggy pants that looked slightly to big for them. They had their hood up but you could see two bumps of something underneath the hood on their head. But what really cought my attention was that they looked horrible you could see dried blood and their long messy blond hair that looked liked it hadn't been washed in ages.

I decided to approach them and try to see if we could be friends. But I also wanted to see if they would tell be what happened to them. I mean obviously they went through something or else they wouldn't be walking around like a lost puppy along with looking the way they were.

Usui POV -
I got kicked out again. My mother threw me out after catching me trying to sneak some food but of course not before beating me. I feel disgusting I haven't showered in I don't know how long and there is dried blood all over me and tear stained cheeks. Not to mention my weak and bruised body covers in bleeding cuts and gashes. Im surprised I can even move. Im walking past the park right now seeing some people there mainly kids and their parents watching from the sidelines to keep an eye on them.

As I continued walking I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jump and keep in the yelp as the person had pressed onto one of my gashes on my shoulder. I turn around to see a boy that looks about my age he is taller than me for sure. He looked at me as if he were worried normally people would just whisper mean things about me or pity me as I walk by but I guess its cause of how I look. I was snapped out of my thoughts as the person spoke. "Are you alright?" I looked at him in shock he is asking me if im alright why? I look at him trying to see if he was toying with me but all I saw was worry.

I take a deep breath. "Y-y.... Ye-s" I mentally slap myself as my voice sounded horrible. Not being able to talk without permission which was rarely given to me the only words I was aloud to say were 'yes, no, and ok' if I was given permission that is.

Their voice sounds horrible like it hasn't been used or is rarely used at all. I couldn't see their eyes due to their bangs being in the way but I could see the dried blood that had ran down their face and some that had stained their hair. I take the person hand in my own and lightly drag them along with me. We reached my mom and aunt who were talking to each other. "Mom!" I say to get her attention she looks over at me same with my aunt then they both look over to the person next to me. Their eyes widen in horror as they speed walk over and bend down next go the person. I let go of their hand standing next to them. "Sweetie what happened are you ok!?" My mother asks in a worried tone. They nod their head backing away slowly but my aunt grabs their wrist slightly gripping it. The person hisses in pain as they roughly pull thier hand away and to thier chest.

M/N's Mom's POV -
The child pulled their hand away and hissed out in pain bringing their wrist to their chest. I look at them in pity. "Do you want to come with us we can give you a bath, some fresh clothes and a warm meal what do you say?" I say as calm as I can as to not scare the poor child. They stay still for a minute but nod their head slowly.

*Timeskip at the house*

Usui POV -
As we all walk into the gigantic house we were greeted by people. The kind woman who offered me to come here was walking me somewhere as the boy from earlier was following us. She opened and door and inside was the bathroom." M/N why don't you bring us some of your clothes they should fit them for the time being." The kind woman said to the boy I presume is M/N. "Alright I'll be right back!" He said as he walked out. The woman shut the door and locked it. She came over to me and told be to take off my clothes so I could take a bath. I was hesitant as she turned around and ran the water to fill up the tub I slowly took off my baggy clothes. Now I was just in my raggedy underwear. "Y....y-you ca-n look n-ow." I said in my raspy voice. As she turned around she let out a gasp. Looking at my blood, bruised body that had gashes and cuts some healed some brand new. But also at my ears and tail.


M/N's Mom POV -
I looked at them with wide eyes. They had ears and a tail. I stare at them in pure shock but I came back to my senses and I call them over seeing them more close up, I turned away so they could get fully undressed and into the bath.

*After the bath*

As I was drying their hair and ears I heard them yelp. I quickly pull away and ask what I did wrong. M/N comes over and asked if they were ok. He had came in a few moments after they got into the bath. They point to a gash on their head. "Ah I see im sorry ill be more careful!" I said. After I was done drying them off and getting then into a pair of boxers that M/N had brought for them I started bandaging their wounds. Once finished I hold their wrist lightly in my palms.


I let go and pull them into a hug careful not to hurt them. M/N joins in and we stay there for a moment.

Cliffhanger this is how M/N and Usui meet! The next chapter will show a little more of the past then them as teens and living together after they take Usui in! Hope y'all liked the first chapter sorry if it sucks or makes no sense.

Word Count: 1495 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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