Meet and Greet - Jonathan Brandis

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Background info: You are a famous actress and your celebrity crush is Jonathan. Also he's 18.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm with a huge grin on my face. Today was the day that I was finally gonna meet Jonathan Brandis, and I was grinning at just the thought of talking to him. But, I am an actress myself so I can't just walk into the meet and greet or else I'll be recognized. I am going to have to disguise myself in order for things to be normal.

I've had this idea planned out since I heard about the meet and greet. My parents don't know that I am going, only my two security guards, Brad and Mark. My mom knows about my crush on Jonathan though, but my dad would never give me the chance to work with him if he found out. My dad is a director and is basically my manager. Even though I'm 17, he wants me to focus on my career and not on boys.

What he doesn't know cant hurt him though, as I have already lost my virginity. I decided to get up and get ready, stretching as I sat up. I got out of bed and walked over to my closet. I looked through all of my clothes and settled on a casual outfit that wouldn't draw any attention. I put on my black jeans, converse, a red t-shirt, and a sweatshirt that said 'Thriller' on it, the name of my favorite album.

I walked to my bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. After I was done, I pulled my hair into a low bun (if your hair is short then just leave it) and I put on the red wig. I messed with it until it looked natural and grabbed my sunglasses to finish everything off. Walking back into my room, I closed my bathroom door. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the pictures of Jonathan that I secretly bought and kept in my closet.

I sighed and closed my closet, still in disbelief that I was really going to meet him. I grabbed my pager and shoved it into the pocket of my sweatshirt. Thank goodness my parents are out town for their anniversary, or else they would be bothering me about where I was going. I practically ran downstairs, opened the front door, and locked it behind me. I skipped over to Mark and Brad's car, and hopped in.

On the way there, we had an argument about if water is wet or not. The arts enter where the meet and greet was at wasn't far from my house, so we got there quickly. All three of us got out of the car and walked towards the entrance. As we got closer, I turned to them and said, "Ok, you guys can just wait out here and I'll see you in a bit".

"Um, you're not going in there by yourself", Mark said with some annoyance in his voice. "Why not", I asked, knowing that I was gonna go in there alone no matter what. "Because your father told us to be with you at all times and to not let you out of our sight", he replied. I rolled my eyes and said, "I don't give a shit about what my dad said. You two aren't going to run the once chance that I have to see Jon."

Mark started to say something but Brad cut him off. "Just let her go Mark. You know how much this means to her", he said. Mark just rolled his eyes and muttered an "okay fine". "Thank you Brad", I said with a grin and hugged him.

I walked over to the doors with a bounce in my step and opened them. I was a little bit early but there was still a line of course. As soon as I saw him, I nearly fainted. He looked so much better in person, with his perfect hair and blue eyes.

I sighed, got in line behind the other girls, and played the waiting game. After about 20 minutes, I was finally the next person in line. I watched as the girl in front of me walked up the steps, went over to him, gave him a hug, and took a picture with him. He also signed a picture of himself for her.

The girl walked off the stage and it was now my turn. I took the deepest breath I have ever taken, and climbed up the steps. Once I got to the middle of the stage all he said was, "Hey". My face felt hot already and I replied with, "Hello", trying to mask my voice.

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