these are my children💖🥀

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Summary:dreams trans and has five kids because he got r@ped by someone
Requests by joynerrt I hope you don't mind I put two of your requests (one on vote) into one
Mention of r@pe
Dead name calling
Swearing like alot
Tell me if theres anymore
Added characters: kai aly damin sàm angie
Dream pov
I don't know how long I've been here in this small f#cking room like I'm being integrated for I don't f#cking know sam came back in with a line of the smp behind him "dream we ar-" I stop him right of the bat "your going to ask me questions you all ready told me if I don't tell the truth Iget hit" I say annoyed like sh#t I've been here for what feels like hours and I'm attached to a lie detector plus I wish I told them my real name and pronouns the first one to ask me questions was quackity "dream do you love anyone?" He asked with a grin I sigh "no" it was simple and the lie detector said I was saying the truth next was puffy "do you regret what you did" I look at her confused "regret what be more specific" I say "oh the things you did to us" I sit up straight "I have no feelings" I say as the room glowed green these questions are f#cking stupid when I saw techno I was confused? "What's your pronouns" I just stare for a moment "she/her" the room glowed green again "why didn't you tell ussss" he dragged the s I shrugged ignoring the urge to smack him a little girl, kai ran up to me everyone was staring "hello kai" I say picking her up "mama" "dream whose this?" Sam asked "oh you know 1 out of my 5 children" I say looking out as the room grew into a green light. The other four ran inside.

After abit
Puffy pov
I saw my duckling pick up all five children I smile but noticed that one child was it angie doing sigh language "oh aly is deaf" I nod my head "hey how did you get pregnant destiny" I ask "I was r@ped..." after that it was silent except the family infront of us soon everyone else was talking to one and another
I hope this is good

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