In Which Claire Loves Doritos

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"Pillow fight!," Darbie screamed as she swung a pillow over her head before bringing it down on Dipper's.

"Cut it out guys! Stop it! Leave me alone!," Dipper pleaded angrily, his voice cracking. His headache was coming back...

"Not until you kiss us, lame-o!," Claire said, cramming doritos into her mouth and jumping hyperly on Darbie's bed. Lots of jellybeans and pillow blows had brought out a side of the girls that he hadn't expected, or hoped, to see. How'd he gotten himself in this mess again?

"No!," he protested. "I don't even like girls! Or dating!,"

The wild expression fell from Darbie's face. "You don't? But what about Wendy?."

"No, no I don't," Dipper told her. "I like them even less now, do girls always stalk the boys they like? Is that typical behavior for you?." After a second of forethought, he added "And how do you even know about Wendy? She's different, she didn't kidnap me and force me to love her."

"No," she sighed, coming so close to him. Her expression was different, it bore a look of...shame? "No, it's not."

Dipper pretended to dramatically wipe his brow in relief. "Good."

She smacked him in the face with her pillow. Laughing maniacally. Dipper stood there, dumbstruck. He hadn't been expecting that at all, he thought he'd done a pretty thorough job of guilt tripping her.

"You still have to kiss us though! You still have to!," she cackled wildly, beating everything within arm's length with that stupid pillow of hers. Who knew that bedding could become such a brutal weapon, in the hands of a preteen hyped on sugar and deprived of sleep?

Sticking around was getting risky, Dipper could tell. For the sake of his lips and/or his life, he needed to get out of there. Now.

He might not have his journal, but Dipper had his brain as an advantage. And, judging by the girls' current behavior, their logic and practical thinking skills were severely impaired. He could outwit them easily, all he needed to do was trick them into falling asleep...

"Hey guys!," Dipper said, trying to make himself look as serious as possible. "In love stories, at nighttime people always kiss in their pajamas. It's much more romantic that way," he raised his eyebrows, a fake flirtatious look on his face.

Within five minutes he had all three girls standing pajama clad in front of him.

"Ooh, and we should also watch a romance movie first, it'll put us in the right mood," he suggested. "C'mon, it'll be really fun! What have you got, Darbie?,"

"Oh!," she exclaimed. "I've got "Love at Sundown"! Does that one sound OK, Dipper?."

Dipper smirked. "Perfect."


Forgive "Love at Sundown". I know it's a really bad name for a romance flick, but I have never seen one before and don't know anything about them.

- Naomi

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