In Which Dipper Recieves A Special Sweater

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Dipper was very tired, and very happy to be able to spend the night in his bed in Gravity Falls instead of a cramped little closet, like he'd expected. He layed down on the fuzzy sheets and kicked off his shoes. The journal was right there, on the bedside table. Its presence was reassuring.

It was great to be back.

Mabel came in. She was less perky than usual, and had been staring at him curiously ever since he'd gotten back. He didn't blame her, if she'd vanished for twenty four hours then abruptly showed up with the entire police department, he'd be curious too.

"Hey Mabel, you need anything?," he asked, hoping to break the odd silence. His sister and quiet didn't normally go in the same sentence.

Mabel pulled something from underneath her bed. A sweater. "I made this for you, while you were gone."

Dipper took it from her. It was white, with a very large blue tree emblazoned on the front. She'd knitted it with two strands of yarn instead of just one, so it was much thicker than your average sweater. She didn't usually put quite this much effort into them. He touched it, it was soft.

Dipper didn't like sweaters. They were itchy, thick and hot, especially in the summertime. But he did like his sister, and she'd made this for him.

Dipper pulled it over his head, smoothing it over his body. "Thanks Mabel," he gave her a grateful smile, and she smiled back.

"So...," Mabel jumped up onto Dipper's bed and sat down cross-legged in front of him. "What happened? Grunkle Stan and I have been dying to hear about it. We thought you might be dead, you know."

He looked down at his shoes. He'd been outsmarted by a teenage girl is what happened. He'd been held hostage by a bunch of kids. Norma had beat him up in a fight. He'd acted so stupid.

He'd scared Mabel and Grunkle Stan though, too. They had thought he was dead. And all because he hadn't wanted to eat Mabel's cooking.

"I outsmarted three kidnappers! I tricked them into falling asleep, climbed out the window, and journeyed through miles and miles of forest until I found help! I escaped!."

"Wow," Mabel said. "You're so brave."

Grunkle Stan joined the two around the time Dipper got to the part when he was almost run over by Norma. He narrated it animatedly, evoking many "Oh no!"s and "Woah!"s from his audience. But by the time he finished, at the part where a woman named Hannah followed him and called the police, everyone fell silent.

"I'm confused," said Mabel finally. "How did they know so much about us? I think we would've noticed if they were hanging around us so much."

"I don't know, it was like we were characters from books or a TV show or something. They knew all about things we never told anyone about."

Mabel giggled. "It'd be weird to be on a TV show."

"Or in a book." Dipper agreed.

And the family laughed and was happy. But the incident of his kidnapping remained fresh in Dipper's mind, and he couldn't understand it for the life of him. How Norma had found him, why the kids loved him so much, how they all knew so much about his private life...but he could probably never unravel that mystery. Why even try? He was alive and back home with his family, and that was all that really mattered to Dipper. At least for now.



Whelp, that's the end of this fanfic! I hope you enjoyed reading it, I sure enjoyed writing it. Please check out my profile for updates on my next work and when it will be published.

Thanks for reading!

- Naomi

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