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Hello again, it's good to be back! I've been busy with my studies this year that's why I became hiatus. Then out of nowhere, I thought of continuing the series of Tulips Scars. And I am beyond proud of myself for finishing this work because I never thought that I could finish one again. By the way, I finished this on June 10, 2022 but I became busy with my studies so I didn't have the time to spam the updates, and I finished updating on June 22, 2022, which made it look like I finished writing it for a month.

Thank you for the support you gave to me. It helped and motivate me to write again. I am still enjoying what I am doing and I am too lucky to receive this love from you.

I'm looking forward on my other works to be published. And as I'm always saying, I'm hoping to see you on my next work. I love you ! - bella

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