Chapter X - Two Moons

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Dray was in the kitchen when Emily arrived, as was most everyone else. She stopped a few feet inside the door, throwing only a cursory glance towards the occupants of the room. Rek trailed after her, looking almost cowed.

"You'll have to help me find everything." Dray knew she didn't intend for her voice to carry, but part of being a wolfkin was having the ears of a predator. He watched as Emily began to pull her pale hair up into a braid crown. She didn't pause in her string of instructions to Rek as she deftly twisted the braid around her head and pinned it into place. There was still a frizzy halo of dandelion fluff around her head, but it was mostly contained.

Dray wasn't the only one watching Emily and Rek. Fisk joined them almost immediately, and when he found out they wanted more help he dragged Rowan over to help.

Arrech was trembling next to Dray. "Can I leave?" His voice was barely more than a whisper. Dray had dragged him to dinner against his will for the first time in a week. What good timing I have. Arrech was yellow eyed, gripping the edge of the table with white knuckles and fingers that had grown claws. Dray would've been more worried if it weren't for the look of abject terror on his face. Another wolf would've been an issue, but Arrech was always too scared of what his wolf might do to give it any rein.

"As long as you go straight for the door." The words had barely left his mouth before Arrech bolted for the door, refusing to even look towards Emily.

Since he hadn't been the one interacting with Emily while she was in isolation, he'd left it up to Rek to decide when she was good to come out. He was surprised it had been so long, but he trusted Rek's judgment. He fully expected her to try and run away again, but hopefully it would be a while. Maybe I should move her to one of the coastal packs. She'd have all of Wullferg Forest to get through then. He pushed away the knot of guilt that twisted ever tighter as he studied Emily's hollow-eyed gaze and tense movements. I can't let her leave. I can't.

Dray continued eating and tried to listen for what Emily and Rek were making. It was definitely a bread of some sort, judging by the barrel of flour that Emily moved with surprising ease. But Fisk and Rowan were dicing cheese. Should I just hang around until they're done? Whatever they're making has to taste better than this. But he would be done eating long before they were done baking. Would it be weird if he just hung around? He doubted Emily would like his help.

"Dray!" Nyrell waved a deck of cards at him. "Want to play?" His voice still sounded a little funny from his broken nose. The swelling had gone down at least.

Perfect. "Sure. What are we playing?"

It was a good thing they weren't playing for money, because Dray did very poorly. In his defense, his attention was divided. He always liked watching people when they were doing something they enjoyed. Rek would focus so hard on his sewing that he would stick out the tip of his tongue and narrow his eyes. Kowser gardened with ferocity, ripping up weeds and pruning trees like they were the embodiments of every person who had ever wronged him.

When Emily was cooking, a cool intensity came over her. Some people chatted while they worked in the kitchen, but Emily only spoke to give directions. She managed to monitor everyone's work at once, even while doing something herself. As soon as she noticed someone wasn't doing something right, she would go over and show them briefly before returning to her work.

She looked up. It was a moment before Dray realized she was looking at him, and a moment too long. She gave him a look that was too purposefully emotionless and came off as cold before ignoring him once more.

Damn it. Heat crept up Dray's neck as he dropped his eyes to his cards--and realized that he actually had a pretty good hand this time.

Caimdon returned from patrol eventually and--after expressing his delight that Emily was out of isolation--threw himself into the cooking with enthusiasm, though not much skill. Others filtered in and out, some staying and sitting at the tables, talking and drinking. Others, such as Halowick and his shadows, left as soon as they saw Emily was in the kitchen.

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