(Ch. 1) From Human to Pokemon

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Chapter 1: Life Risen from Fire

Bright sunlight filters through dark green leaves that lightly sways in a gentle breeze, rippling the dapples of gold that spotted the soft grass below. Gentle wind against skin and sunlight upon a face awoke a weakened being into consciousness. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, seeing the treetops sway high above her head. Trees..? I'm.. I'm in a forest... She tries to turn her head to look around but winces due to a sharp pain. Her head spun. My body hurts.. why does it hurt..? The scent of ash fills her nose but her weakness prevents her from sneezing. The brief awakening slipped through her fingers and she was swallowed into darkness once again.

"H... Wa... ke... Wake up!" A quiet voice in the distance quickly made its way to her ears and jolted her awake once again and her eyes snapped open. This time her body hurt less and her dizziness had mostly faded. She groaned and tried to sit up on shaky limbs. Right.. I'm in a forest. But who was that speaking? She thinks to herself and looks around, finally spotting an Eevee standing next to her with a very worried expression. "What're you looking at?" She coughed out her words, finally noticing that her throat was dry as well.

"You! You were out cold, laying in this burnt grass! You look like you've been hurt. Are you ok?" The Eevee speaks in a concerned voice, making the female jump in shock with her eyes flying wide. "Wh- did you just talk?!" She put a hand to her head, though her hand felt a little odd as well as her head. "Pokémon can't talk, did I hit my head or something??"

The Eevee's brows furrowed together confusedly while staring at her. "Well yeah I can talk.. you're a rather odd Vulpix." The female's eyes grew wider. "Vul-" She finally realized that her 'fingers' were running through fur and she ended up touching pointy ears on top of her head, she quickly brought her hands down and saw they had been replaced with little dark paws. With a spin of her head she saw six ginger tails give a wag and then she let out an ear splitting scream that echoed through the forest and made a flock of Pidgey nearby take off.

Eevee flinched and held his long ears down tightly because of the sudden startled scream. The Vulpix immediately tried to stand up on her high legs to walk but instantly flopped back down onto her stomach, the female ignoring the pain that still coursed through her body and she had no choice but to walk on all fours. "This isn't happening- this is impossible! I'm supposed to be a human! This can't be real-" The Vulpix's denial died when her eyes rested on the Eevee that was staring at her wide eyed over her sudden panic attack. Subconsciously her dark ginger fur bristled and her six tails raised as she bared her fangs down at him. "What did you do to me?"

The Eevee's eyes flew wider when the panicked Vulpix suddenly turned threatening and he took a few clumsy steps backwards and he ended up stumbling to the ground. "N- nothing! I swear! You were just passed out in the black grass!" He stuttered nervously with his fluffy tail between his legs. The aggressive Vulpix turned her head and noticed she was in the center of a burnt patched of grass that stretched out by at least 3 meters. This must've been the ashes I was smelling. Her brows furrowed when she saw many red feathers laying all over the place in the burnt grass that gave a rainbow sheen under the sunlight. The Vulpix looked back down at the Eevee when he continued to defend himself. "You were unconscious and you looked hurt. I just wanted to see if you were ok." He says before pointing at the wounds on her right leg and flank that stained her fur black.

The Vulpix stared down at him a few moments longer before turning her back to him. "I'm fine. Mind your own business, kid." She muttered, easily able to tell he was young by the sound of his voice even if he was a Pokémon. The Eevee sat up with a confused tilt of his head. "You said you're a human? But that's not possible, humans only exist in fairytales. You look like any ordinary Vulpix." The Eevee looked the Vulpix up and down with an uncertain look in his eyes. "You really are strange..."

The Vulpix immediately bristled again and gave an angry bark at the young Pokémon. "I'm not strange, you lil punk! I really am human, I swear!" Eevee's uncertain look in his eyes didn't fade and Vulpix muttered something under her breath before walking away from him. "Whatever. I don't got time for this." She sassed before looking around her scenery, trying to figure out where she's at and how to get out of the forest.

"W- wait! Don't go! Um, what's your name?" He asks while quickly bouncing after her. The Vulpix stopped and looked down at him briefly to think. My name..? Oh, that's right. "It's Sukia." The Eevee's ears perked up and he finally gave her a smile. "Sukia? That's a pretty name!"

Sukia had an insipid look on her face with her response. "Mhm. Anyways, what's a kid doin' out in the middle of the woods? You lost or something?" Sukia's question made Eevee's smile fade into a frown and he looked away from her. "I.. I actually ran away from home. I'm trying to get through the Mystery Dungeon in this forest but I'm too weak to get through it on my own." Eevee then looked back up to Sukia. "Can you help me? Please?"

Sukia's eyes narrowed sharply and she took a step away from Eevee. "You did what? No, I'm not gonna help some random runaway! If your family finds us, they'll think I kidnapped you! I don't even know what a Mystery Dungeon is."

Eevee's ears drooped and his dark brown eyes looked all too similar to puppy dog eyes. "Pretty please? You look really strong! I already tried to get through the Mystery Dungeon on my own and..." Eevee's voice fades away and he looks away from the Vulpix, he had clearly failed in getting through it.

Sukia's lips tighten together as she stared down at him. I can't just leave him in the middle of the woods... what if something happens to him? Sukia lets out a heavy sigh as she gives into the soft part of her heart. "Yeah.. yeah, whatever. I'll help you. Lets just get this over with."

Eevee's puppy dog eyes instantly lit up with a sparkle. "Thank you! It's this way, follow me." He turned tail and ran off ahead, his short legs and bushy tail almost made it look like he was hopping.

"H- hey! Don't run off on your own!" Sukia protested and quickly ran after him. When she caught up to Eevee she lifted a brow in curiosity. "So why'd you run away from home, kid?"

Eevee's pace slowed when he looked up at her with a bit of surprise to the sudden question and he then quickly looked away, his eyes losing a bit of light in them and his ears faintly drooping. "Well, I felt like they didn't understand me.. I want to be an adventure, an explorer. But they said it's too dangerous and kept me cooped up ever since I told them what I wanted to be." Eevee gives a shake of his fur as if trying to shake off the sad feelings and then he looked back up to Sukia. "And what about you? What're you doing out here?"

Sukia's breath got caught in her throat before any words could slip off her tongue, the realization hitting her left her jarred since she finally noticed her amnesia. "I... I can't remember..." She whispered confusedly, worry clearly in her eyes.

"Huh. You really are interesting, you know. But you remembered you're name so maybe you'll remember everything else too." Eevee kept his cheerful attitude and even had a bit of encouragement. "By the way, you've got some really pretty eyes. I've never seen a Vulpix with green eyes before!"

Sukia gave a huff. "Well.. At least one part of my human self remained the same." Suddenly the density of the trees grew thicker except for one part that looked like a pathway that lead deeper into the forest.

"This is it! The Mystery Dungeon, one of many. It's called Thick Wilderness. It's like a maze on the inside and wild Pokémon can attack you at any time so it's super dangerous! Thankfully I got my pouch in case either of us gets hurt." Eevee explains to Sukia.

The former human gave a nod of her head in understanding. "Aight, lets get this over with.. Just stay close to me, got it?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Eevee says excitedly while while Sukia gives an annoyed groan. "Don't call me ma'am, punk."

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