(Ch. 2) Forest Fire

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The once peaceful Leaffall Village was now in panic as the Pokémon of the village scream and ran, smoke quickly started to cloud the once fresh air and an orange glow could be seen between the trees that only got brighter and brighter as the flames approached the village.

Sukia's olive green eyes narrowed sharply at the fire when a realization hit her. The fire is coming from the volcano! Sukia then turned to Mikah, Kai, and Shelly. "We need to get these villagers out of here. If this fire is coming from the direction of the volcano then that could mean that it's no longer dormant. We need to get these Pokémon out of here, now!" Sukia gives her command and the three give a determined nod to her. Sukia then looked at Shelly. "Where's Oliver?"

The Oshawatt looked a bit nervous before she pointed in the direction of the biggest house made out of logs. And it was the house closest to the fire. Sukia followed Shelly's gaze briefly before looking back to Team Sunrise. "Evacuate the villages. Mikah, lets go!" Sukia barks before running towards the leader's home and Mikah ran after her. Kai and Shelly immediately started leading the Pokémon out of the village.

Sukia and Mikah run into the house and they both begin to cough when more smoke floods the air. The two stop when they see Oliver trying to help a weakened, elderly Rillaboom to move. "Come on, Rillaboom, you need to get out of here! Get up!" Oliver pleads as he tries to push on the old Pokémon, but the village leader was far too big for a small Pokémon like Sandile to move.

Mikah quickly ran over to the two. "Oli! What's going on? We need to get out of here!" There was an urgency in Mikah's voice while Sukia stared up at the windows that had more smoke starting to pour in.

Oliver looked at Mikah and Sukia worriedly. "He breathed in too much smoke. I.. I can't get him to move.." The Sandile whispers the last part while looking away shamefully, feeling awful for not having the power to help someone in need.

Rillaboom gave deep coughs then a strained wheeze as he tried to catch a breath. "Just.. just go on without me.. save my villagers. Please.. you'll have to leave me behind.." The elderly Pokémon's voice was just as weak from breathing in too much smoke. Mikah and Oliver looked at each other anxiously, neither of them knowing what to do to help such a large Pokémon.

Sukia however gave an annoyed "Tch" as she ran over to the three and got close to Rillaboom. "I don't think so, pal!" The female Vulpix sasses before she uses Flame Charge, her body getting coated in flame and then she kicks the large Pokémon in the butt. The heat against his rear made his eyes fly open wide and he leaps up with a startled scream. Sukia gave an aggressive growl with a step forward as if she was going to whack him again with her flaming paws. "On your feet! Get going! Move!!"

Rillaboom gave another painful cough but he still managed to stay standing up as he stumbled out of his house and got outside. Both Mikah and Oliver's jaws were dropped until Mikah gave Sukia an angry shout. "Suki! He can't breathe, you could've really hurt him!"

The experienced female looked down at the young male with an intense seriousness in her green eyes. "Being hurt is better than being dead. Lets move." She says before turning her back to them and taking off after Rillaboom. Mikah grimaced at Sukia's cruel words and looked down at the ground, hurt reflected in his eyes. Oliver stopped at Mikah's side and gave the Eevee a reassuring smile, encouraging the Eevee once more.

As the four ran through the village that was starting to get swallowed by flames they see that the villagers had be evacuated by Kai and Shelly. "Looks like they're all taken care of-" Oliver's words are stopped by a coughing fit as smoke enters lungs.

Sukia coughed a little too while trying to peer through the smoke. "Looks like it. Lets get Rillaboom to the others." Sukia says while looking up at the large Pokémon that was continuing to wheeze. Oliver gave a nod of his head and he with Mikah continued to help Rillaboom to the other villagers.

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