Chapter 2

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Chrissy's POV:

I'm so scared omg,you must be wondering why,well today when Y/N
was in the bathroom with me she asked me if I wanted to sleep over, I said yes ofc but I'm scared of what will happen and if I'm gonna hear the clock again, but I'll tell Y/N about it maybe she'll know something....I'll just go back to getting ready and I should clear my mind.

Y/N's POV:

I was waiting for Chrissy to come over for the sleepover, I'm still surprised she said she'll come, I have to admit I have a crush on Chrissy even though she has a boyfriend but Idc I'm gonna confess tonight, well probably I just need to get this off of my chest, well we'll see how it goes I guess.

Chrissy's POV:

I was walking to Y/N's house, she lives near me so it's not hard to get to her house.
*17 minutes later* I finally arrived I have to knock now ig.
*knock knock* ok now I wait for her to answer.

Y/N's POV:

I heard a knock on my door so I went to open it, and as I expected I saw Chrissy "come in love" oh dear god why did I call her 'love'...

Chrissy's POV:

SHE CALLED ME LOVE EEEKKK, ok ok ok calm down Chrissy and just go inside *she goes inside* "wanna go to my room to leave your stuff? "
"Yes sure" oh my god I'm going to her room, I'm finally gonna see what it looks like.

Y/N's POV:

"just give me a few minutes I need to do something" OH GOD I HAVE TO GET RID OF THE PICTURES OF HER SHE CAN'T SEE THAT well I'm not gonna throw them in the trash but I'm gonna put them under my bed, as I'm finished I hear Chrissy calling me "YESSS" I answered "YOU DONE? " "YEAH YOU CAN COME IN NOW" I said as I put the last 3 pictures under my bed "watcha doing? " she asked smiling, OH GOD HER SMILE IS SO CUTE. "Nothing 😅, ok put your backpack on my bed, btw do you wanna watch a movie? " "sure but which one?" "you  choose" "uhhmmm how about....FRIDAY THE 13TH" she said, she likes horror movies....AWESOME "YES YES OFC"
I said that and she smiled, I love her smile. I spaced out, I was looking at her I didn't even notice she was talking to me "Y/N ARE YOU LISTENING? " "huh? OH YES" "what did I say then? " awh shit "uuuhhhhhhh" "you weren't listening now were you? " "I wasn't, sorry" "it's ok I asked if we're gonna watch the movie here in the living room or in your room? " oh, I didn't think of that one"the living room , I'll just go grab a blanket and two pillows " "ok yeah sounds good to me, but I have to say something before you go.." "Yes go on"
She told me about how she's hearing clock sounds and weird things have been happening "uhm, can you just tell me what's your favorite song? " (idek what song to put so I'll just put Max's favorite song) "running up that hill" "Oh I love that song too" "but why did you need to know my favorite song? " " no reason ".....

Chrissy's POV:

20 minutes later she came back with a big blanket and 2 pillows and headphones and a cassette....
Idk why she needed that but whatever.
We were 30 minutes into the movie and I felt kind of cold " hey uhm Y/N.." "Yeah" "I'm kinda cold" "oh..." I noticed she put her arm around me and pulled up the blanket a little bit more "thx :) " "yw", I turned to her and looked her in the eyes, she did the same, I started to lean in and so did she. We kissed...I've been waiting for this for months and now I'm finally kissing her, I pulled away " OMGIMSOSORRYIDIDN'TMEANTODOTHATIWASJUSTSOCAUGHTUPAND-"
"Is it really ok tho? "
"Well I mean I did enjoy it but you do have a bf" "Tbh I don't really love him anymore I love someone else".....

                   -To be continued


I honestly didn't think this could happen but it did , I'm uploading the next chapter tomorrow so stay tuned

                                             -Darcy ♡

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