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"Dad! We have to get going, the others will be waiting. And you know what happens when we leave people waiting nowadays." Allison called from the kitchen, grabbing anything from the cupboard that was in date. 

Life had been hard since the initial outbreak, and it was worse everyday. The walkers were a large problem, but survivors created gangs, which could be even more dangerous. 

She filled a duffel bag with canned food she'd managed to gather, her brows furrowing when her father didn't answer. "Dad? Dad, come on. We're going to be late." 

The house they'd found to shelter themselves was large, and it had taken a while to search all rooms for walkers. But it was clear, luckily. 

They'd spent a lot of time running. From nothing in particular. 

Nothing alive. 

Earth was a living hell. Had been for months. The dead roamed the streets, rotting, and decomposing. They could easily be outrun, but sometimes you just didn't see them coming. The ratio of alive to dead was 1:100. The only few people who did survive would have to have been in a group of some kind. Alone, you're done for. It was like living a nightmare everyday. Cautious about every step.

"Guys, I think we should get going. It's late, and call me a baby but I'm starting to get a little creeped out." Lydia's voice echoed throughout the empty school library, the only light source being her phone. The lights had gone out, suddenly, during a late night study session in the library of Beacon Hills High School.

"Lydia, calm down. It's just a power outage. Do you want some comfort cuddles? C'mere, scaredy cat." Stiles, Lydia's longterm boyfriend, pulled her close and pressed a few kisses to her lips, causing the rest of the group to roll their eyes and tell them to get a room.

"Stiles, get those lips away from me. You know I'm still mad at you for bailing on me last night. Even though I guess you had a valid reason. Still, no kisses for twenty-four hours."

"What? Twenty-four hours?! Lyds, you're killing me."

"Quiet, I'm trying to-" She was interrupted by a loud bang, which made her jump. "Please tell me I'm not the only one who heard that." Allison, Lydia's best friend, stood up, her brows furrowed, before walking over to the library door.

"Careful, Allison."

"I can take care of myself, Scott."

"Really? You never mentioned it." Allison shot Scott a glare, indirectly telling him to be quiet. She opened the door, looking down the corridor and spotting a figure at the end of the hallway. She let the door swing closed, before taking a step forward.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to call someone?.." The figure was limping, and leaving a trail of blood behind it. She took a cautious step forward, swallowing roughly. Nobody tried to follow her, knowing that if they did, she'd send them back inside. When she got closer, she got a clear view of the figure. It was a woman. Couldn't be much over 20. But the thing that stood out the most was the fact that you could see her teeth through a hole in her cheek. Like she was rotting away. Her eyes were crazed, and distant. She looked calm enough, but when she made eye contact with Allison, her features stretched into a scowl, and she took a step forward, her hands reaching out in front of her.

Everyone back in the library heard Allison scream, and another bang. Then silence.

(A/N) This is short, I know, but it's only the introduction, which is the reason. Chapters will be a lot longer, I promise! Chapter one will be up somewhen tomorrow, and depending on the feedback I get, I'll either upload every other day, or every week. Thank you so much for reading!

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