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It's raining again 

I wonder if this time it will let up

Maybe before the sun sets

So that a brilliant sunset can light up the sky

and paint it all sorts of colors

have you ever seen a sunset that is red at the bottom

kind of skips orange

goes to goldenrod yellow

to light green 

then dark green

to a pretty blue

and then to indigo

and finally paints the clouds a lavender shade of purple?

I have and let me tell you it's beautiful 

but when it's been raining for a while?

not so often

so imagine my surprise to see a double rainbow

right as the sun set

and painted the sky farther away

in colors I wish I could replicate

and hit the rainclouds at the perfect angle

with the backdrop of gorgeous white snowcapped blue mountains

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated recently for those that enjoy this book. I hope u liked this little poem and that it brightened ur day just a little bit :D

See ya next time I get the motivation to write- Wingless

Short poems that pop into my headHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin