Name Pronounciation

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I know I disappeared again for a bit. Had no time to write for a while - who knew working full time and being a part of a theatre show was so time consuming. Literally wake up, work, straight to the theatre, home, sleep. And then when the show season was over I got smacked in the face by covid so that was.... fun. Stay safe out there y'all.

Anyway, I'm on day 3 of having it, but recovering. So once I have enough brain cells to put together a proper chapter, I'll update one. In the mean time, I realised I never mentioned how the new character's names were actually pronounced so have this as a filler.



It's now that I realise there's only like two names people might not pronounce the same way I do and that this is a kind of trashy filler so uh... I guess if people have questions leave them in the comments and I'll answer them?

I should have a new chapter up decently soon.

~ Peace,


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