Chapter Two: Lola

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I step out of the front door into a cloudy, overcast day. I hear thunder in the distance, it's probably going to rain soon. The weather matches my mood, dark and gloomy. I put my headphones in and the rest of the world drowns out. Music is my lifeline, the only thing that keeps me calm. With it I finally felt alone. I liked being alone.

I walked a while longer, staring down, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. I reach the meeting point. Waiting, waiting, waiting. She's obviously left without me. I start to walk towards school. But that's when my phone vibrates in my pocket, I look down at the screen, it's a text from Lola, "Meet me at the tree" I turn around and start walking away from the meeting point. Away from school. 

I get to the tree. Our tree, this was our favorite place to meet, it still is, but we hardly meet anymore. I don't really leave my house. She's not here either. I stand around, waiting, wondering. Why would she tell me to come here. I take my headphones out and start walking back towards school. That's when I hear it. 

Rapid footsteps, panting, and a grunt. Out of nowhere she's jumped on my back shouting and laughing. She was always the energetic one. I tell her to get off and she does. I turn around and see her. Her long auburn hair, down to her hips. Her brown eyes looking back at me. My best friend, I've never seen her more than that. Her smirk, the infamous Lola smirk, fades as she notices the look on my face.

"You did it again didn't you?" She asks.

"No..." I say, unconvincingly.

"You promised you would stop. Who made you feel like this? Whats happened? you can tell me" She asks, I know I can tell her, but I can't.

"It doesn't matter its done now." I say. I didn't like all the questions. "We better go, we'll be late for school."

"We aren't going to school. Not yet at least, we have PE first and we both hate PE." She says. 

It was true. I hated PE. It made me so self-conscious. And I didn't like changing with all the boys. Taking my clothes off, where everyone can see my body. My scars.

"How? Won't they'll call our parents?" I ask.

"Nope, you have a dentist appointment, and I'm going to the doctors. After PE, We will go back to school, you will sign in saying you were at the dentist, then twenty minutes later, I'll get back from my doctors appointment. Sound like a plan?" The infamous smirk appears on her lips again.

"I have no choice do I?" I say smiling a little.

"No you don't." She says laughing. She grabs my hand, "Come on let's go."

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