A Promise by the Riverbank

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I sit beneath the shades of banyan
Gazing at the flowing river
Waiting for you to come back
since, the day you promised you'd come back.

Waiting for you to whistle love songs
And I'd listen like always.
Waiting for you to hold my hand
Rest your head on my shoulders
And say that I'm the brightest star
Like how you did always.

I miss you here,
Beside me
Beneath the shades of banyan tree
I miss your voice which were lullabies,
To even grown ups like me.

I miss the tender love care
That you always gave
I miss those pretty summer days
The times when you used to lay beside me
Beneath the shades of banyan tree.

And I come to sit here every dawn
And wait for you to come back
Hoping you'd return someday
Here, to the shades of banyan tree.


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