Chapter 1- Pilot

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Hey this is the first chapter, the first few chapter aren't going to be amazing just because it's the introduction into the characters lives but please push threw, it will be worth it. If there are any grammar mistakes let me know and I will fix them

Flash back

"Mia should not be Captain, do you really want someone who thinks she's better then all of us telling us what to do" Lila state's angrily

she clearly wants to be captain. She can be captain I don't really care, to much has happened in the past week

I don't say anything, I have nothing to say. Maybe she's right anyways, maybe I do think I'm all that.

"That's your reason. That's why Mia shouldn't be captain? Jesus. That's why she should be. She is better than all of us, she needs to teach us to be like her, how to do what she does. If we have someone who isn't better then us teach us... what are we gonna learn?" I recognized the voice it was Althea or Thea is what her friends called her

She stood up for me, I don't know why. Our parents are great friends but I've never even talked to her before.

Althea knelt down next to me "Don't let them talk about you like that" she whispers into my ear

I whisper back "why should I care"

She stares at me, and I could tell what kind of stare it was, it was one of those 'because you know you earned it' stares "I didn't earn this."

"yes you did, you put in so much effort for everyone else, you do more for the team then the team does for themselves, stand up and...fight for what's yours"

You know what, she's right

Every girl was staring at me

I stood up slowly

I had to say something but what


Ugg I hate myself

No stop they're all staring at you

You are gorgeous and smart and loyal and-

Stfu and talk

"If you guys want someone that will bring you guys down and make you guys worse, you guys can pick Lila, but if you want someone that will be there to help you become better and push yourself, I'm your best option. I'm not gonna force you to pick me for captain but I do wanna ask you this. Who has been to every meet and practice" I ask firmly

"You" they all say unanimously

"Who always fixes your makeup before meets" I say raising my voice a little just to give it some edge

"You" they say again

"And who-" my sentence got cut off

"You, we all know the answer is gonna be you. So just shut up" Lila remarks

"Excuse me" I tilt my head to the side a little when saying it

"You heard me, shut up" Lila raises her voice while speaking

"Oh no, I know what I heard, I'm just confused on where you thought you had the kind of authority to say that to me" I say back clearly annoyed

"You know what, Nevermind let them vote. We'll see who wins" Lila announces

So we did, we voted

"Alright, final vote and it's tied 9-9" The coach states while pulling the final vote out from the box

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