Chapter 4- Wine glass

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Thank you all for the love and support, I couldn't do this without you guys


Conners POV

Loud ass sirens

My eyes slowly open, I turn my head
Feeling the ache from my temples

Mia, she's here with me..

Before I can think another thought I fell back asleep

There wasn't any sirens now

My eyes open and Mia's over on the couch sleeping, she's so p-

I paid you to hurt him not kill him


She paid number 5 to hurt me, she's the reason I'm in the hospital

I look around the room and there is a thing of jello on the tray so I reach over and grab it

I throw the Jello at her face, hitting her right in the eye

She shoots up immediately "Sorry sorry, I'm up, I'm up"

"You paid him?"

"Paid him? Paid who?" She's such a liar, she knows exactly who

She starts walking over to me

"Number 5"

Her eyes widen

Knock knock

The nurse walks into the room

Perfect timing

"Alright Mr.Chase, it's currently 9:28 pm you can be discharged at 10, and you will be perfectly fine at school but you do have a concussion so no hockey for 10-14 days"

I nod "Thank y- wait... no hockey, are next game is in 3 days on Friday"

"Well you can't play, I would like to see you back in 10 days to see if you are cleared to play" She hands me a paper with available times for next week on Friday

"Fridays the winter formal" I state

"The exam won't take long, you should still be able to make it, as long as you aren't still concussionized" The nurse muses

"Ok, thank you" I hand her back the paper, I signed for 4 o'clock

The nurse walks out of the room

"Hey Mia, can you hand me my clothes" I ask

"Uh, yeah of course" She throws the bag at me

"So kind"

She just rolls her eyes

I get up and walk to the bathroom to change, stumbling a little on the way

When I walked back out of the bathroom Mia was standing there with everything packed up and in her hands "You ready?" She questions

"Never more"

I opened the door to leave the room, letting Mia go first because even if I was mad at her I was still respectful

We made are way down the hallway until we reached the elevator, not saying a word to each other

"How are we getting home, I don't have a car" Mia questions

I turn my head towards Mia while the elevator door opens "My dad is sending a car for us"

She just 'mms'

Mia could walk it's literally a two minute drive but my dad would be pissed off if he found out

I need to know, why did she do that. The only reason I haven't started a full blown screaming match with her is because of my head, but the amount that I want to just scream is unimaginable

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