chapter 11 | Maria

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"SEE, THIS IS WHY I DON'T BAKE!" Shyla exclaims as she blows air on the hot plate. She huffs, sucking her pinky into her mouth to soothe the steaming burn. Shyla had been cooking for our neighbors, rambling on about how it is a tradition for her to greet neighbors with buttermilk cookies.

The only thing about it is, she can't cook for shit. Her mother baked the cookies, and since I used to be neighbors with her when we were younger, I got the pleasure of knowing how good they were. But, Shyla is the opposite of her mom in the kitchen. In the span of making one batch of cookies, she had already been given five bandaids.

"Yes, we can tell," I mutter, opening the emergency kit before handing her a bandaid. Kiaa walks to the fridge, plucking out an ice pack before gently laying it on Shyla's finger.

She huffs, her hair blowing in front of her face as she presses the ice pack on her finger. She glares at her covered pinky, looking like it was the fault for this incident.

"Damn pinky." She mutters.

Walking towards the plate of cookies, I quickly put them into the food basket before heading out of the kitchen. The kitchen was gorgeous, with an extensive view of the ocean ahead and fantastic lightning.

It gave a modern but also rustic vibe, the wood counter and rustic sink giving it a rural sense of style.

Merlia walks up to me, out of breath as she fans herself, "You ready to go?" She breathes out. She had no doubt just did a workout, since she is sweating all over.

Even since she had found her passion in fashion, she has always been striving to stay fit. Constantly eating healthy while going to the gym daily. Ever since we were little, her dream was to be a model. I still remember the day she fell in love with it, when we were ten.

We had been in New York that day, walking through Times Square when a Victoria Secret angel had popped up on a big screen. Her eyes had gone wide, smiling as she looked at the beautiful model strutting down the runway. She had instantly fallen in love, constantly telling me how models were so 'cool'.

I hadn't thought about it that much, thinking that she was going to get over the obsession. But she didn't, and now here she is today going to be a supermodel in the future.

She had dropped out of college for it as well, which luckily her parents were totally understanding about it. Claiming that college was always going to be there, but the opportunity to be a model wouldn't be.

When her parents had said that, it was like they sparked something inside of her. Since that day, she has been working her ass off, and striving to do better and better.

Shaking from my thoughts, I quickly nod at her before we make our way outside. It was warm today, a soft breeze in the distance. I had worn a white bikini and some sheer pants, something airy and easy to move around in.

Merlia hops onto her bicycle, quickly following me to the next door neighbors house. We weren't going to go to Kades house, but the other neighbor beside us. Hopefully, when the next batch of cookies was done, Shyla could go greet him.

Because I am sure as hell not going to greet him with cookies.

Soon enough, we arrive at the neighbors villa. Similar to ours in the sense that it had more warm tones, but this one was obviously bigger in size.

Merlia and I hopped off our bikes, stretching our limbs before getting the cookies. It was an adorable basket, with a pink bow on top. Merlia grabbed the basket from me, gesturing us to make our way to the front door.

Hopefully, we were going to have another female neighbor that we could hang out with, because I'm sure not going to be seeing Kade anytime soon.

The pathway was beautiful, with flowers from pink to yellow lining up the pavement. The trees sang a soft sound, moving silently.

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